Untold Past

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"Kathy??" exclaimed Dev while the door to his penthouse opened and there stood Ruchi, wearing the same beautiful yellow saree. "Err- Ruchi, thi-this is Katherine- Kathy, my friend and now based out of New York, Kathy say hi to Ruchi- she is my-"

Kathy moved forward and flashed a smile while she shook Ruchi's hand and said, "Off course, must be the new secretary, you never keep one for more than a couple of years Dev" Ruchi did not utter a word and moved inside the house while Dev fumed.

"Did i tell you she is my assistant? That's Ruchika, my wife. Babe, here you go, for you." he said confidently, handing her over the lilies with a small peck on her forehead. While Ruchi said nothing, he felt the cold wave emanating from her. Still, being the wonderful person that she is, Dev was stunned to see her regain the composure and ask a stunned Kathy to sit herself while serving her refreshments.

As Dev came back after changing his clothes, he saw the two ladies sitting across each other in the hall, while the temperature of the room dropped to well below icy. "Dev, my apologies I didn't follow news from India. Else, I would have got a gift for your new bride. However, i have something for you. She opened her bag and passed on a brand new perfume which she made sure to pass to Dev right from under her nose. It was a Lalique Crystal Edition. Damn you bitch, you give my husband a three and a half lakh worth perfume. Ruchi's analytical mind immediately calculated the price and hated the lady even more. She looked way past thirty five, however her up keep was top of the world. Ruchi was jolted from her thoughts when she saw her manicured talons on her husband's arm praising him. "You changed your workout schedule huh? Your muscle definitions have changed. Dev removed his arm gently from her grip and asked for dinner. Ruchi quietly set the plates and forks, while the housekeeper set the dishes down. As Ruchi went to the kitchen to collect an extra set of knives, Devikaji took her aside and whispered, "Ruchi save your husband from that lady. She is a devil."

Ruchi ate quietly while the other two chatted, it was mostly Kathy who bought up past anecdotes and Dev nodded politely. "You know Ruchika, Dev was just twenty one when he got his first film and I was his lead, you should have seen how nervous he was in our workshops and revisions. But i took charge and made an actor out of him." 

"Oh how nice, what would Dev do without you?" replied Ruchi, having had enough of this fawning lady. Half an hour later, she gathered her purse, thanking Ruchi for the meal and inviting them to her place in New York, while her plans to move back to Mumbai gather ground. As Dev returned after seeing her to the apartment lobby, Ruchi had already changed into her shorts and tee. Dev took the cue and waited till the housekeepers retired to speak and explain.

"Out with it then" said Ruchi quietly, as she packed her bag and opened her wardrobe to finalize her dress for tomorrow. "Babe, it's not what you are thinking. I don't have anything to do anymore with her. She was just a -" Ruchi stopped him by raising a hand, "Did i ask you for the nature of your relationship that you shared with her? I got the gist from her today anyway. You lived with her in your initial days and she controlled your career. That's your choice i don't care. What bothers me is her fawning all over you today. Clearly she is not over and whatever the fuck you had with her in past did not get a closure. Am pretty sure she came back to rekindle the relationship and seeing me made her angry. I am a woman i know it !!" Dev had no answer for what she just said as every word was true. Still he waited till they came out of the walkin closet and got the bed ready. "babe, she is just a past and means nothing to me. "

"Yes, that's why her hands were all over you and she didn't once forget to mention how she was everything for you"Ruchi replied sarcastically with a sweet smile. "Jeez, she even knew the code to the elevator, why don't you hand her over a set of keys too?" Dev looked down and didnt say anything. Ruchi could not believe her eyes, "She has one does she??? oh my God"

Dev lay down on the chaise, too scared to go near his furious wife. He went over the conversation he had with Kathy at the lobby. As soon as the elevator door closed, she lunged on him, gripping his collar and  trying to pull his neck down for a kiss. "What are you doing, we are over long ago." Kathy ran a finger down his chest and replied with a crooked smile, "Yet you are still in touch with me, taking my suggestions and sharing your life. I am surprised you didn't even consult me for this sham marriage of yours." the elevator door opened and Dev jumped aside. regaining his composure, he told her, "I am not going to discuss my marriage with you and Ruchi is none of your concern. Please leave and never ever come back to my life. I respect you for whatever we had and how you helped me, please do not spoil it." as her car zoomed into the portico, Kathy said, "You know you cannot resist me Dev, this chit will know of your true love."

Dev quietly opened his mail and typed one to Mili, "Ask Kathy to come over to the office tomorrow."

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