Chapter 13

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((A/N: Sorry i haven't had that much time recently, but will update soon!"))

last chapter of book 1:

((A/N: so, I decided to add myself into the story, but in order for you guys to better understand me and my quirk, here's a little info about my character))


Pro Hero Guster


Real name: Aiko

Quirk: Mist - this allows me to blow any kind of gas from my lips including poison and even fog to hide myself from enemies. But since my quirk doesn't really have any way it helps in close combat or even in anything other than escaping, I have mastered both how to use two swords like a master and how to hold the poison fog long enough for my opponent to either run out of oxygen and breathe some in or to make them see that they are powerless in a situation like this and give up.

Skill: 5/5

Speed: 4/5

Intelligence: 4/5

Cooperation: 3/5

Strength: 3/5

Strategy: 6/5

Negative effects of quirk: for all the gases I breathe out, I need to breathe in just as much oxygen (or if I'm breathing out oxygen, I have to have inhaled just as much as I'm blowing out before I am blowing it out. I know, it's confusing 😅)

Cool random trick: underwater I can breathe out a big bubble of oxygen and just sit inside it. I often do this and use it as a quiet place where I can just listen to the splash of the waves and think since with this bubble I can last at the bottom of the ocean for hours and not have to come up. Another neat thing is that I come out completely dry!


(My POV)

As I ran through the hallways, in search of the students, I ran into a room with an unconscious bound wan with a black mask across his eyes and very explosive-looking blond hair. I quietly gasped. I've seen this man on the news about a year ago. He's the one that joined The League Of Villains a short amount of time after being kidnapped by them. So him being here could only mean one thing. Or rather, two. One: either Saika or one of the other students has been here recently. Two: we have now captured one of the members of one of the strongest gangs in the world! After putting quirk-restricting handcuffs on the rebel, I took a deep breath and blew out a foggy lime gas again and his eyes flew open. As they did, he immediately jumped up.

"That damned Author-chan!!! I knew she was a traitor!" He yelled as he realized the state he was in. But before he could do much else though, I tackled him back to the ground.

"Where are the others?!" I asked.

"Like hell I'd tell you-" He was cut off by me taking my blade out and smashing it down right next to his neck, causing the metal floor to crack. "Th-their not too far. I think two halls down, then take a left, a little farther,then another left and last a right. After that just keep going strait and you should find them." He replied reluctantly.

"Better. Now let's go!" I yelled before picking him up over my shoulder and taking off.

(Your POV)

As you were running with Deku and Author-Chan on your back, Tamaki and Mirio on either side of you and Nejire hovering above, you suddenly stopped, sniffing the air.

"What is it Saika-Chan? Is someone coming?" Asked Author Chan, looking at you.

"I-i think so. They don't smell like a villain, but they also seem to have Bakugo with them. So just stay on guard, okay guys?"

As everyone nodded, you started moving again, but slower and quieter now.

"Saika?" A voice from the room to our left shouted. As you turned the corner, you saw a girl with long white ponytails and a short navy blue dress and bright violet eyes; me. When I noticed you, my eyes slightly widened, looking at the crowd. "Oh, you found each other! Anyways, the only way to get out of this place is to break the walls. I could melt a hole in the wall, but the acid gas would stay in the air and would make it dangerous for you to come through. I don't think any of you have a power-type quirk?"

"Well, Not to brag or anything, but I'd say I have a pretty strong quirk." Deku admitted shyly as you crouched down to let them off. But as he was going to punch through, Author-chan stopped him.

"Wait! You remember the time-stopping curse on the wall where you came in? It's the same thing everywhere! And again, a curse for a curse."

"Sooo... we're pretty much trapped in here?" Nejire sighed as Tamaki hung his head as low as he could.

"Not completely. Even with the walls covered by the curse, this building still has a roof. I just got a small idea, and maybe...." your voice trailed off as you concentrated and you could hear everyone gasp in awe as you felt yourself turn slightly bigger and felt a small weight added to your back. Your wings were back.


((Haha, sorry for the cliff hanger! Also I will continue with part/book two in this book, it's just going to be considered the 'second book'))

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