~ Sweet Like Coffee ~

403 11 13

"I was warned, and god I wish I listened."

[8:02 am]

"Y/n get the hell up already!! " Renjun growled, shaking the coffee cup in front of me as I just about managed to drag myself out of bed. " Do I really have to bribe you with coffee every single morning to get you to get up?"



Let's just say you did not miss school. The books, the exams , the gossip. However a part of you missed Renjun's sarcasm and Lila's warming smile first thing in the morning. And that's what you were counting on to get me through this year.

Renjun has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. As for Lila, she joined your little group 3 years ago when she transferred from Japan. Since then, they've been all you've ever needed. Up until now, they were all you ever wanted, but something in you felt like this year was going to be a little bit different.

Nothing changed as you met Renjun and Lila in the cafeteria. Lila always looked like a fairy, with bright eyes. She was the prettiest girl you've ever met, with jet black hair tied into two moon buns with baby hair spilling out. Her makeup was always perfect, and she wore an oversized light pink jumper over a pair of ripped mom jeans.

Renjun however had his hair dyed a shade darker than his natural one, he was the most sarcastic person you ever met and if you needed a wrestle to cheer you up, you knew you could always count on him. He was good at studying when he wanted to, but he was better at eating.

You were a bit different from the others, you had never dated anyone yet you spent your time reading romance novels. Your hair was still in the same abstract shape it was in last night, and you were wearing comfy, maybe too comfy clothes. But they loved you none the less.

"So...guess who I'm sitting beside in homeroom?" Lila announced, beaming.

"Go on.." Renjun rolled his eyes


And that was enough to get Renjun's attention.

"And you're happy? He only flirts his way through, basically everything!?"

Yet Lila winked suggestively. "Exactly"

"As if he'll ever even talk to you." he scoffed

"Oh, I'm sorry what's this?" Lila retorted as she pulled out a a piece of paper with a numbers on it. "And I'm even going to Haechan's party."

Renjun never sighed so loudly before, as you laughed at the two of them.

Jaemin held a reputation, which you were aware of, which everyone was aware of. People say he flirts with teachers to get out of homework, others say he's secretly model for a huge company. Both are believable. The first time you talked to him was last year, when he tried to entice you to do his essay, and that if you did, he'd sit with you at lunch. You've never felt more exploited and disgusted at the same time.

Every girl in the school was wrapped around his pinky finger, all he had to do was ask, and they'd drop to their knees. Despite his 'alluring personality' he's never had a girlfriend for longer than a week. Well that's what Taeil said, and you know Taeil better than to believe everything he says.

He was basically every girls fantasy— to put it short

Renjun has been your best friend for as long as you can remember. As for Lila, she joined your little group 3 years ago when she transferred from Japan. Since then, they've been all you've ever needed. Up until now, they were all you ever wanted, but something in you felt like this year was going to be a little bit different.

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