Twelve // the bully

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Veronica POV


she smiled.

"well, well, well, if it isn't the loser who was ugly since high school and still ugly." Wendy says with a smirk.

"haven't you had enough Wendy! Like seriously that was like 7 years ago!" I say.

"no because it was fun." she says walking up to me.

"why are you even here?" I ask.

"well apparently you didn't know that Jay was mine before he was yours." she says grabbing my throat.

"you will not take him from me." she say grabbing my throat harder.

i couldn't breathe anymore.

Jay's POV

i was talking to Jackson and i didn't realized that Veronica was taking so long in the bathroom.

"are you listening to me bro? i said that Wendy is cute as fucc." Jackson says.

"wait? Wendy the girl i dated back in college?" I ask.

"Wendy Son." Jackson says.

"hang on I'll be right back." i say getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

i slightly open the woman's bathroom door and I hear Wendy say "You will not take him from me."

i quietly walked into the bathroom and seen she had her hands on Veronica's throat.

my eyes widen.

i run over to Veronica and grabbed Wendy's wrist and she let Veronica go.

i grabbed veronica and i seen she had bruises on her neck.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" i yell.

"j-jay i-i'm s-sorry." Wendy says with tears in her eyes.

i ignored her and carried Veronica out of the bathroom.

"put me down." Veronica says.

"no." i said cold.

"please i can walk on my own." she says.

i put her down and immediately she passed out.

"Jay what's going on?" I hear Jackson running towards me.

i pick up Veronica and asked Jackson to call the hospital.

the ambulance came as soon as possible.

"Jay are you going to tell me what's going on." Jackson says.

"ask your girlfriend." i say coldly and left with the ambulance.

on our way to the hospital the doctors were giving veronica oxygen.

"is she going to be okay?" i ask worried.

"yes she'll be fine." one of the doctors said.

i couldn't bare to look at her like this i don't understand why Wendy would do something like this.

"do you know who did this to her?" the doctors ask.

"oh yes, she is my best buddy's girlfriend." i say.

"do you know her name if your wife here wants to press charges against her." doctor says.

"oh um i would like to press charges on her because veronica didn't do anything. she's a very kind hearted person." i say with tears filling my eyes.

Baby Boy // Jay Park FFWhere stories live. Discover now