18. Drunken Confessions

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Hongjoong awoke nestled against Seonghwa's chest. He was enveloped in the man's warm arms and felt his deep breaths brushing through his hair, hinting at the man's deep slumber.

It had taken them a lot of time to get Hongjoong here.

He had cried for hours the night before, not calming down even when Seonghwa peppered butterfly kisses all over his face and told him that everything would be alright. Some small and stupid part in Hongjoong had wished to be elected again, had hoped that they could go back to normal (well, as much as possible). But now it was not him alone thinking he had made a huge mistake.

Now it was also his crew.

The thought had broken him, leaving him gasping for air when it felt as if his heart had been ripped right out of his chest and no Seonghwa was enough to calm him down.

Hongjoong remembered pushing the other man away somewhen, telling him to leave. He remembered yelling at him while crying pathetically and Seonghwa's eyes had been way too understanding, way too gentle for him to handle.

Hongjoong hated it.

Seonghwa had left then and he felt even more bad. He was only ever disappointing people.

As usual when such problems arose Hongjoong drowned them in alcohol, letting the sweet posion wash away any worry he had and fill him with warmth and blankness. It was the only way he could calm down.

And Seonghwa had still returned to him. He had collected all of the pieces Hongjoong had left of himself in the room and put them together again with endless care, wrapping him in his arms and trapping him there to sleep.

Hongjoong did not deserve him. And he was scared to lose him too.

When his emotions became too much again Hongjoong slugglishly tried to roll out of Seonghwa's grip. He needed some space from the man right now, needed to collect his thoughts before facing his crew again. Maybe he should bring Seonghwa home sooner rather than later? This emotional dilemma was not his to face.

Hongjoong ducked his head underneath the man's arm, so close to getting away when suddenly Seonghwa moved. The pirate yelped when he was grabbed again and pulled close, Seonghwa's subconscious acts being way too adorable for him to handle right now.

So he froze until Seonghwa had settled down and then he tried again, sneakily slinking away.

Hoever, when he was yanked back this time it was much too forceful to be written off as a sleepy instinct and Hongjoong gave a whine when his back was pressed flush against Seonghwa's chest suddenly. The man was holding him in an iron grip around his body, digging his morning wood into Hongjoong's back.


"Who told you you can leave?"

Hongjoong's heart skipped a beat at the deep and throaty voice of the other. Maybe he sunk back against his lover just the tiniest bit.

"I just need to clear my head. I'll come back and we can talk.", Hongjoong murmured feebly, ready to move again when Seonghwa suddenly grabbed his hips, rolling him around.

They settled with Seonghwa laying above Hongjoong, the pirate's legs settled comfortably around the other male's body. The black haired man had settled on his elbows above Hongjoong, staring down at him quizzically.

Hongjoong was quite sure he looked absolutely miserable, his eyes still red and raw and his hair tousled. Even his lips hurt from where he had bitten them too much and maybe he also still had the imprints of the sheets on his face.

All of this did not stop Seonghwa from looking down at him with complete and utter adoration.

"What is it?" Hongjoong cleared his throat when his voice cracked, nervously avoiding Seonghwa's eyes.

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