Chapter 3: Recovery

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Chapter 3: Recovery

I do not own Attack on Titan or any of the characters

I only own the OCs

 You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting your vision to the dim lighting around you. 'I-Im not on the stretcher... Im in... Im in a bed.' You looked around the room. You concluded that you were in some kind of castle, given the stone walls and flooring. In the corner was a shadowy figure sitting in a chair. You rustled in the sheets causing the figure to awaken. You close your eyes, letting just enough open to examine the person as it walked up to you. 'Levi?' 

 He got up from his chair and made his way over to your 'sleeping' body. He leaned down next to the twin bed. He pushed some of your hair away and kissed you softly on the forehead. His face was seemingly relaxed, showing no signs of anger or irritation. 

 "Please wake up soon, (Y/n)." Levi muttered under his breath before he left the room. Once the room was empty, you sat up and swung your legs over the edge, causing a sharp pain to pierce your side. 'Damn titans...' You grabbed the crutches to the left of your bed and slowly rose to your feet. Once you had gained your balance, you made your way downstairs. When your foot hit the stone flooring at the base of the steps Eren, who was cleaning the sink, whipped his head around.

 "(Y/n)! Oh Im so glad you're awake!" Eren dropped his rag and ran over to you and wrapped his arms around your body, making sure not to injure you any further. "We were all so worried about you. Oh uhh let me go get the squad." And without a moments notice he dashed out of the room. You felt sharp pains in your stomach, signaling that you needed to eat. You sat down at the end of the dining room table.

 When Eren returned, he was accompanied by the 'squad' you assumed. Levi was the only other person you could recognize. His face showed a tad bit of shock. He was probably wondering if you were awake when he kissed you on the forehead this morning. You decied to give off the impression that you werent. 

 "Okay so this is Petra," Eren motioned to a girl with short reddish-orange hair, "this is Meghan," he pointed to a small girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes. You recalled her from a few of your memories... she was friends with Lil, "and these are Gunther, Eld and Oluo." At the end of the line were three men, one with brown hair, one with blonde hair and the last with greyish brown hair... and the shirt that looked like Levi's. When Eren was finished the group waved to you.

 "Enough greeting, get back to work you morons." Levi spat. The team quickly shuffled out the door and went back to cleaning. "Eren, make (Y/n) some food, she looks famished. Oh and (Y/n)? Welcome to the squad." Levi spun on his heel and exited the kitchen. Eren made his way to the kitchen cabinets. "How does a peanut butter and jelly sandwich sound? I dont have anything else really." Eren turned his gaze to you.

 "Uhh that sounds fine." Right now anything would do... You reclined back in your chair, you had questions and you needed answers.

'Eren... how long have I been asleep?" You started off with the simplest.

"About two weeks?" Eren responded without glancing at you.

"Okay... well where am I?"

"Oh. this is the 'Special Operation Squad' or Levi's squads place I guess. You hadnt woken up by the time everyone had been placed into a squad so Levi said he wanted you because of your excellent 3mdg and hand-to-hand combat."

"Alright... well whose clothes are these?" You tugged on the white button-up shirt and black boxers you were wearing.

"Those... those would be Levi's" Erens face flushed bright red as he turned his head back towards making your food. 'You were wearing Levi's clothing?!'  

"W-well what happend during the weeks I was out?" You looked at your boyfriend. He froze up. He slowly brought your food over to the table. He began explaining the weeks events as you began to eat.

"A lot happened... well according to what Ive heard, when we all went out to kill the titans I was apparently eaten by a titan. My left arm was bitten off as-well. Then about 10 minutes later I guess a variant titan appeared. It showed no interest in the humans but it smashed its fellow titans' heads in. killing them instantly. When the titan lost its power it fell over and I, your lovely boyfriend, emerged from the neck of it. Then they took me out and a while later every ones thoughts got clouded so I ended up having blades and a cannon pointed at me. When they fired the cannon I did some freaky shit and bit my hand, causing me to form into this weird half skeleton half muscle titan." Eren sighed and entwined your hands with his.

 'So you're like a titan-shifter or something?" You werent really bothered by this. I mean come-on who gets to date a titan-shifter? 

"Something like that... I was then in custody of the MP who wanted to cut me open and examine my insides. The Scouting Legion went to court for me and won custody over me."

"How'd they win? I mean it doesnt sound easy to defeat the MP in court." You tilted your head.

"Oh uhh..." Eren released his grip and scratched the back of his neck. "Well Captain Levi beat the shit out of me."

 You almost spit out your food laughing so hard. I mean even though Levi was humanities strongest, he was so short! When you calmed yourself down Eren was blushing.

"Well he packs a lot of anger and rage into that tiny form of his..." He smiled, happy to see that you were amused, even if it was at his cost.

 Just then Levi walked into the kitchen from outside and over to the sink. He wiped the counter with the edge of his shirt. "Its not clean Jaeger! Try it again." He stomped over to the stairs where he started wiping down the hand-rail. You looked at Eren, then at Levi and back again a few times. They were exchanging rotten glances at each-other. 'Was Levi this mean when someone didnt clean to his expectations? No... those look more like jealously glares. What on earth are they jealou-'

 Your thoughts were cut off by a warm pair of lips locked with yours. Eren's lips to be exact. When he pulled away the Captain simply 'Tch'd' and walked out of the room.

 "Eren? What was that for?" Your eyes gazed into his.

 "Sorry (Y/n), I cant let him have you." Eren scooped you up from your chair and took you into your room and gently set you on your bed. He kissed you on the cheek and left, closing the door behind him.

 'Cant let him have you? What the hell?' You lay back in your bed and began to day-dream about the morning.

Authors Note: I hope this chapter was a bit more slowed down for you! Chapter 4 should be up soon... I have a busy schedule so it limits my time at the computer... message me any requests you hvae for the story! Also, be sure to check out my OneShots! Thanks~

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