Chapter 2- The Dream

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Sky's POV

"SKY?" "Crap uhh yes sorry." "Somebody is here to see you!" "Really who?" All of a sudden my dad walked in my room. "Dad?" "Is that really you?" "Yes honey it is me!" I ran over to him and was about to hug him but.....I woke up.

I have that dream all the time. Sometimes the figure is my mom sometimes it's my dad. Ugh I miss them so much. I was searching for a ponytail holder in my room I finally found one. Lol thank god! I put my hair up in a messy bun and started to walk down the steps. Then all of a sudden I tripped on something. And after five seconds I was laying at the bottom of the steps.

"Sky are you ok?" "I can't move my arm!!" "Hold on let me get some help!" And then my eyes instantly shut.

Anne's POV

"The boat will arrive at the dock in ten minutes. I had to find Harry before I left for a couple of hours. I quickly texted him.

A- hey honey leaving soon where r u?

H- hey sorry I was hanging with ni and zayn.

A-ok meet me by the dock in 5.

H- kk coming now

Finally I saw Harry coming this way. "Mom before you go why are you doing this?" "Because!" "Mom I know you have a reason!" "Honey I don't have a reason!" "Mom?" "Ok well the truth is I'm starting to get lonely with you out all the time with your friends and Gemma is gona be gone soon." "Mom that's what happens we all grow up but I'm still here I'm never going to leave you!" I started to feel the teardrops in my eyes. "Mom don't cry I will always be your little hazza." "I know that." "Mom can you promise me something." "Of course honey." "Can you adopt somebody my age so me and the boys can maybe hangout with whoever it is." "I will try my hardest." "Anybody that is getting off the boat please find your way off the boat." "Ok hazz I will see you later ok?" "Ok have fun and don't party to hard for a couple hours." "Haha I won't." "Ok see you later cutie."

I got off the boat and I looked for a cab. I have never been able to whistle. Fail!!!! But anyway I tried anyway. Lol it must have not sounded that bad because a cab arrived quickly as possible. The San Francisco Orphanage please. "Sure no thing."

We finally arrived and I thought to myself wow! I remember this place. When I was younger I was sent to an orphanage for half my life. It was not pleasant and then one day I turned 20 and I got a job and a foster home took me in for awhile until I could find my own place.

"Thanks for the ride." "Sure." "How much do you charge?" "It's on me." "Not many people come to an orphanage. Good luck." "Thanks your so kind."

I got out of the cab and headed to the main office. "Hi welcome to the San Francisco orphanage, what can we help you with today?" "Hi I would like to adopt a child." "Ok sure pick an orphanage building." "Umm what are the options lol?" "A through Z!" "Umm I will go to H my sons name is Harry so that will work." "Ok."

I started to walk to building H. I walked in and there were kids everywhere. Running around, crying , screaming, laughing, fighting it brought back many memories.

"Hi welcome to building H just walk around and see if anyone appeals to you. "Ok thanks. I started to walk around and I saw many cute kids. I first went to the kitchen. Then I went to the play room. Then the bed rooms. Nobody really stood out. I finally crossed the nurses office . I stepped in and saw a few people laying in the beds. I walked around and then a very pretty girl stood out to me.

Authors Note

Ok thanks guys for reading chapter 2! Ily guys. If we could get to 1k favs by The end of January that would be awesome! That would be my ultimate gift! Ok bye nuggets!! And comment below how your Christmas vacation was because I want to know!

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