White Secrets: 1 ✔

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Chapter - White Secrets: 1



"Who does something like that?!"

You ever watch a really good movie or show and it ends on a cliffhanger and you don't know if the creator is gonna finish it?

We definitely do.

"Is this what hell feels like?" My little sister, Esmeralda, asks.

"Pretty sure."

"I can't believe that they ended with Lykos and Chakuro making a damn promise."

I sat there quietly as my siblings argued amongst each other. I'll admit that I was pissed about it ending. It was such a good show too.

"We must vote!" Kaine announced.

The voting. It's a tradition we uphold in this household. Everytime we finish a movie on either Netflix or Hulu we must vote on what else to watch. Our only options are the ones on the list.

"I vote for Dragon Pilot," Esmeralda calls out.

"We should watch Silent Voice."

"Dear siblings, I say we should watch Possessed."

We all glared at each other. It wasn't uncommon that all of us would vote on totally different movies or shows. Luckily we had a tie breaker.

"Magnus!" We all screamed at the top of our lungs.

After waiting about ten minutes we finally heard footsteps angrily stomping on the ground. From out of the hallway darkness came an angry Kirus teen who would most likely strangle us because we ruined his beauty sleep.

"What?" He growled.

"I wanna watch Possessed, Emiko wants to watch Dragon Pilot, and Kaito wants to watch Silent Voice," I rush out because if I didn't I would see an early grave.

"Y'all should watch Possessed. It's actually a pretty good Korean drama and whatnot," he answers.

"Haha losers," I provoke my siblings.

As Esmeralda turned the show on, Kaine and I watched as Magnus walked back to his room.

"Don't you need sleep?" Kaine asks suddenly.

"Yeah, why?"

"We got work at six in the morning."

I looked at him with a pissed face as he looked at me with a blank expression.

"Well fuck me sideways with a chainsaw."


Song: Dance with the Devil
Video made by: Nightcore Reality
Music made by: Breaking Benjiman

Rewritten: March 5, 2020
Word Count:

Program: Possessed
Found on: Netflix
Made By: Studio Dragon

Program: Silent Voice
Found on: Netflix
Made by: Kyoto Animation

Program: Dragon Pilot
Found on: Netflix
Made by: Bones

Program: Children Of The Whales
Found on: Netflix
Made by: J.C Staff

- I felt so much that I started to feel nothing.

White Secrets: The Great WarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang