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"Mrs. Mayfield? There's a caller on the line, he say's his names Mike." Johnathan said, as known as Charlie's assistant. "I'm busy Johnathan, can you tell him I'll call him back once I'm off set?" Charlie asked Jonathan. He nodded his head before walking off, for some reason the name Mike sounded slightly familiar, maybe it was just because Charlie has worked with many actors and crew members with that name. She brushed it off and let the makeup artists continue adding the fake blood to her forehead. "You ready for this scene?" Charlie's co worker, Grace said. "More than ready." Charlie replied. "Alrighty, you're good to go Ms. Mayfield." The makeup artist said. Chills ran up Charlie's spin at the name Ms. Mayfield, it reminder her of her mother. She was nothing like her mother. "Please, call me Charlie." She told the makeup artist who nodded her head in response. Her and Grace exchanged small talk before being called onto set.


Charlie about practically crashed onto the bed in her trailer. This was definitely one of the most exhausting days on set yet. Charlie decided to take up on acting classes a few years after living in Los Angeles. One audition led to another and her she was. One of the most talented actresses of 2016. A knock on her door snaps her out of her almost sleeping trance, she mentally groaned before muttering out a "come in." Johnathan came walking through her door with her phone in his hand. "It's Mike, Mike Hanlon. From Derry. He says that you need to call him back as soon as possible, and that it's urgent." Johnathan said before handing her phone out to her. Charlie knew that name felt familiar but she couldn't remember why. She nodded her head at Johnathan who a few seconds later, walked out of her trailer. Charlie stares down at the contact, deciding wether or not to call back. She tells herself she needs to, and presses down on the call button. A few rings in Mike answers the phone. "Charlie?" He said into the phone, "Yeah, that's me." Charlie said. "Charlie, it's Mike. Mike Hanlon from derry. It's happening again Charlie. You need to come home." Mike told her. Charlie felt goosebumps run up her arms. "Wh-what's happening again?" Charlie asked, "It Charlie. It." Mike said. "Did you call the others?" Charlie asked Mike. "Yes. How soon can you get here?" Mike asked her. "I'm not sure, I'm filming a movie right now-" Charlie said before Mike cut her off. "You need to be here tomorrow. That's when everyone else is coming." Mike told Charlie. "Okay, I'll be there tomorrow." Charlie replied. The exchanged their goodbyes before Charlie let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in.


Jade Of The Drient, read the lit up sign of the restaurant in front of her. She let out a breath before opening her car door and following someone she didn't get a good look at, inside. As the two were walking up to the doors, she noticed the person in the reflection of the windows. "Bill?" She said, Bill turned around and furrowed his brows at her for a moment. "I'm s-sorry, yes?" He asked, "It's me, Charlie Mayfield." She told him. His eyes widen "o-oh my god I-I'm sorry I didn't r-r-recognize-" Bill said before Charlie cut him off. "It's fine. I'm just beginning to remember this town too." Charlie said. They both followed the waitress into the restaurant, to where Mike awaited the group. "Hey." Mike said causing the two to jump, he pulled Bill into a long hug, muttering out a few "heys" to one another. Mike pulled Charlie into a quick hug before pulling away. "I didn't know if anyone of you would show, I mean after all this time, but of course you two came." Mike told the two. "An oath is an oath." Bill said, Charlie nodded her head in agreement. "Losers... gotta stick together, right?" Bill said, "The losers, your remember that. That's good. What else do you remember?" Mike asked Bill. "I'm allergic to soy, anything that has egg in it, uh, gluten, and if I eat a cashew I could realistically die.." A voice said, Charlie knew exactly who that voice belonged to, Eddie Kaspbrak. "Holy shit." Eddie said looking at the three. "This meeting of the losers club has officially began!" Richie said hitting some sort of instrument in the restaurant. "Oh look at these guys!" Eddie said at Ben, Richie and Beverly. Richie mouthed something and started doing some sort of hand movements, referring to Ben. Ben turned around at Richie giving him a questioning look, Richie smiled at him and shoved his hands in his pockets. The sound of shot glasses clinking filled the room, everyone through their shot back except for Richie, who grabbed the glass between his lips, throwing it back. "So wait Eddie, got married?" Richie asked Eddie who responded with, "Yeah why's that so fucking funny dickwad?" "What, to like a woman?" Richie asked, "Fuck you bro." Eddie told Richie. "Fuck you!" Richie replied back. "Alright, what about you trashmouth, you married?" Bill asked Richie, "There's not way Richie is married!" Charlie said. "No, I got married." Richie responded back. "Richie, I don't believe it." Charlie said. "When?" Eddie asked, "Did you not hear this? You didn't know I got married? Yeah no, me and your mom are very very happy." Richie said causing Bill to choke on his drink from bursting out into laughter, as everyone else broke out into a laughing fit at Richie's comment. "She's very sweet, sometimes, she'll put her arm around me, and she'll whisper to me, she'll go" Richie said before making some sort of reference Charlie didn't really understand but still laughed at anyways. "We all get it! My mom was a great big fat person! Hilarious!" Eddie said. "Alright, alright. What about you Mayfield, you married?" Richie asked Charlie, everyone turned to Charlie. "Uh well, I was at some
point but I got a divorce. As the media exploited." Charlie said, Bill's smile faded a tiny bit at the fact Charlie was married before. "Oh my god, that's right! You're like a big shot celebrity!" Eddie said, everyone started remembering that, Bill's small frown turned into a even bigger smile. "Yeah, it's not big deal." Charlie said shrugging her shoulders. "Alright lets address the elephant, not in the room. Ben, what the fuck man?" Richie said, everyone's attention was now pointed at Ben who clearly lost weight and aged amazingly. "Okay okay obviously I lost a few pounds." Ben said, "Your like uh, your hot!" Richie told Ben, "He's not wrong." Charlie said. Bill felt a bit of jealousy wash over him at Charlie's comment. "You're like every Brazilian soccer player wrapped up into one person!" Richie told Ben. "Leave him alone, your embarrassing him!" Beverly told everyone at the table. "Okay alright, please, come on, is Stanley coming or what?" Ben asked, everyone looked at the one empty seat at the table. "Stanley.." Eddie muttered. "Stan uh, Stan Uris," Richie said, "Stan Urine!" Bill said causing Charlie to lightly nudge him from under the table, trying to hold in a laugh. "Stanley urine no, he's a fucking pussy he's not gonna show." Richie said. "Why would Stanley save you anyway? Was I not the one who basically preformed surgery one you after Bowers cut you up? Holy shit, that's right!" Eddie said nudging Ben's shoulder. "Please tell me you ended up becoming a doctor, Ed's." Charlie said, "No, I uh, I ended up becoming a risk analyst." Eddie said. "Oh that sounds really interesting, what does that entail?" Richie asked Eddie. "Yeah so I work for like a big insurance firm and-" Eddie said before Richie's snoring cut him off. Everyone started breaking out into laughter, "Fuck you dude." Eddie said. "Was this job invented before fun?" Richie asked, making everyone laugh even harder. "Oh that's so not funny." Eddie said, "What the fuck are you laughing at?!" Eddie asked Ben. "I propose a toast, to the losers." Beverly stated. Everyone clinked there glasses together. Beverly turned to Richie, about to kiss him but instead shoved chopsticks at him. After more conversations were exchanged, the waitress came back with a bowl of fortune cookies. Bill and Beverly began to have a conversation while Charlie and Eddie exchanged one as well, Charlie was always closest to Eddie, well besides Bill. "I mean it's weird, right? Now that we're all here, everything just comes back faster, you know." Ben said. "You know when uh, Mike called me I threw up? Isn't that weird? Like, I got nervous. Like I got sick and I threw up." Richie said, Charlie knew what he was talking about, considering she felt the exact same way. "But I feel fine now, I feel very relieved to be here with you guys." Richie said. Everyone's eyes were on Richie. "Why's everyone looking at me like that?" Richie asked. "When Mike called me a crashed my car." Eddie stated, "Seriously?" Bill asked. "Yeah." Eddie replied. "Man I heart you, my heart.." Ben said, "I thought it was only me." Charlie said, Beverly shaking her head in agreement with Charlie. "It was like pure f-f-f-f-" Bill said before Mike cut him off. "Fear. It fear. What you felt," Mike said, "Why'd we all feel like that, Mike?" Bill asked. "You remember something we don't, don't you Mike?" Bill asked Mike. "Something happens to you when you leave this town." Mike stated, "The further away, the hazier it gets. But me, I never left. So yeah, I remember. I remember all of it." Mike said. "Pennywise." Beverly said almost inaudibly. "Oh the fucking clown." Eddie said, Charlie felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. "Mike you said you wanted out help with something, what was that?" Bill asked. "There's an echo here in derry and it bounces back every twenty seven years." Mike said before Eddie cut him off asking what he was talking about. "Hold on, listen, listen. We thought we stopped it back then. We thought it was done but," Mike said before he started flipping through pages in a notebook. "A week ago, a man, Adrian Mellon, slaughtered. A girl Lisa Aubrem, the other night, went missing. There's already been others and there will be more!" Mike stated. Everyone was trying to tell Mike no or whatever else before Ben spoke up. "Let him explain, let him explain." Ben said. "That echo, we might've changed it. Just like it changed us. But we didn't stop it, because it just bounced back." Mike stated. "We made an oath. That's why I brought you back, that's why you're here. To finish it, for good." Mike said. "Well that shit got dark fast." Richie said. "My fortune cookie just says could." Eddie said. "They don't know how to do fortune cookies here, mine just says guess." Richie said. Charlie opened her fortune cookie and pulled her "fortune out" it said well. "Mike just says well." Charlie said. "You wanna throw that over here?" Bill asked. Bill started arranging everyone's pieces of paper. "Guess, well, could, it.." Richie said trying to figure out what the papers meant. "It's a message." Mike said. "Well Guess it could not cut.." Richie said still trying to figure out the message. Everyone but Beverly tried to figure out what the papers were trying to get across. "When it says it, is it talking about it?" Eddie asked. Everyone stared arguing before Charlie turned her head to Beverly who was staring at her piece of paper with fear written all over her face. Soon everyone's attention was now on Beverly.


Beverly placed the paper on the table which read out Stanley. Charlie felt her breath hitch in the back of her throat. Well guess Stanley couldn't cut it. The papers read out. "Why does it say Stanley?" Eddie asked. "Will someone else fucking answer me?!" Eddie shouted. The group stayed silent. Until the fortune cookies started to shake in the bowl. One of them jumped out of the bowl and began to hatch something. Everyone started to move back from the table. A very disgusting in human creature hatched open, it had the face of a crying baby. More of the cookies began to jump out of the bowl, and even more weird creatures started hatching from them. "Hey! Hey! That fortune cookies looking at me!" Richie shouted. The creatures started knocking down glasses and jumping towards everyone. The bowl began to overflow with some sort of black smoking liquid. "It's not real!" Mike shouted. Mike began smashing the creatures with a chair shouting over and over again, "it's not real." Charlie clung herself onto Bill's arm. "Is everything all right?" The waitress asked walking into the room. The table was back to normal. "Yeah, could we get the check?" Richie asked.

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