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~A few days later~

I hummed to myself as we got off the shuttle, "so I told grandpa that you were coming with to get away from home for a little bit, and he got some dextro stuff for you" I told him as he looked at me, "all right" he spoke amused, I hailed us a cab, and we went to my grandpa's. I knocked on the door and my grandmother opened the door with a smile. "Grandma!" I shouted as she chuckled and I hugged her tightly. "Steven! Y/n's here!" she shouted as I snorted, Garrus and I walked in. We walked into the front room where grandpa was watching TV. "Hey Y/n" he spoke as he got up and hugged me. I sat down on the loveseat as grandma sat beside grandpa. Garrus just stood there unsure of what to do. I looked over at him and giggled. "They won't get angry if you take a seat Garrus," I told him as he looked at me and then sat beside me. "Vakarian..." Grandpa started and Garrus looked over at him. "Sir?" he asked as grandpa stared at him, "I have something for you...I'll go get it," grandpa said as he got up and walked off. Garrus looked over at me and I shrugged. Grandpa returned holding a helmet, "she'd want you to have these...to...remember her by" he spoke as he handed Garrus the helmet, "Shepard's helmet..." he whispered as he stared at it, grandpa then handed him some dog tags. "And her tags..." he softly spoke as Garrus stared at them in his hands.

"I can't accept these" Garrus spoke, "Garrus...you'll have to. She wanted you to have those" I spoke as he remained quiet and then nodded. After a few hours, grandpa decided to change the subject so we weren't all upset, granted I never got the chance to meet or know Shepard. "So...when are you gonna teach me how to shoot a gun grandpa?" I asked as grandpa chuckled, "what type of gun?" he asked as I thought for a moment, "maybe...an assault rifle, a sniper, and a pistol" I said as he chuckled, "all right, I'll work on it" he spoke as Garrus looked between the two of us, "I can teach her how to use the sniper rifle" he spoke as we all looked at him. "You know how to use one?" I arched an eyebrow and he nodded. "I am well versed in the use of a sniper rifle..." he told me as I snorted, "that's a fancy way of saying, 'I'm extremely good with a sniper rifle' isn't it?" I asked as he chuckled and nodded. After a while, I walked outside to the backyard and picked up a chicken because grandma raised chickens for their eggs. I began to pet it as I sat down on the back porch swing, "Hey, there you are" Garrus spoke as I looked up at him, he walked towards me and stopped when he saw the pure white bird in my arms. "The hell is that?" he cocked his head to the side as I giggled "this is Hedwig...the hen I helped my grandma raise. I named her after the owl in the movie Harry Potter" I told him as he stared at it. "Hen?" he asked as he looked at me, "right! Gotta remember you're not from Earth...uh...a hen is a female chicken. Chickens are a type of domesticated fowl, a subspecies of the red junglefowl." I told him, "they're also raised for food here" I told him as he stared at Hedwig. I got out of my seat, "wanna hold her?" I asked as I held her out and she flapped her wings making him jump a little and I giggled. "She won't bite," I told him, "okay...how should I hold her?" he asked as I smiled and helped him hold her the correct way. I walked over to the other two chickens and picked up Cluck Rogers. "What should I do if it tries to get away?" he asked looking at me again, "hold onto her tighter...but not too tight...because that is my favorite hen and I will harm you if you hurt her," I told him as he nodded. I pet Cluck Rogers as I watched him, he began to pet Hedwig and I smiled.

"Wanna feed them?" I asked as I let go of Cluck Rogers, "sure" he spoke as he smiled (I don't know if Turians can smile but in this, they can) "okay, you saw how I release Cluck Rogers right?" I asked as he chuckled, "Cluck Rogers?" he asked as I giggled, "look...I didn't name the others I only named Hedwig." I said as he smiled again and released Hedwig I grabbed some Chicken feed, "cup your hands" I told him, he did as I asked and I gave him some feed. "Be very careful and don't scare them off...be sneaky," I told him as he nodded and crouched down, he carefully approached the chickens and began to feed them. "Ow..." he spoke as I chuckled, "yeah, their beaks hurt," I told him as I grabbed some more feed and threw it about the yard, "why didn't you do that in the first place?" he asked as I snorted, "because I wanted to watch you feed them," I told him as he chuckled. We sat on the back porch swing when a bird flew up, it landed on his fingers and he cocked his head to the side, "it kinda looks like you" I said as he chuckled and looked at me. The bird then flew off, "only in the head" he gestured to the spike (I think it's a spike) on the back of his head. We remained quiet and I lay my head on his shoulder. He tensed a little but relaxed. "You know..." he started as I looked over at him, "you changed my life" he spoke as I arched an eyebrow, he let out a sigh and got up. "After Shepard...I thought that..I wouldn't...ever...love again." he spoke as I blushed and he looked over at me. "But then you entered my life and became my neighbor..." he whispered as I stared at him. "Guess what I'm trying to say is...I'm in love with you." he spoked as I blushed again.

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