Chapter 4

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I walked out the principal's office feeling miserable. It was just the first day and already, I had the worst time ever. Honestly the principal was a pain in the ass.

"Given the circumstances, we had no other choice but to enroll you in the middle of the school year. But, that does not mean we will tolerate your tardiness." He'd said.

"I understand sir, but I'm new here so I was trying to ask for hel-"

"Are you saying my kids aren't helpful?"

They sure are assholes.

"Look Ms. Brooke, since it is your first day I am not giving you detention. But if you ever are late henceforth you will have to face severe consequences. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

Ugh just give me a damn break.

I walked outside the office and tried to find my second class. Turns out Mr Pearson had yelled at me for almost an entire hour.

I ended looking for room 30 where I had my English lit class.


It was finally lunch.

Thank god the rest of the day was better than the morning.

I was growing impatient by the minute (if the loud sounds from my stomach weren't obvious enough) and Mr. Theodore Winston was no where to be seen.

Caving into my hunger I decided to grab my tray and start eating.

I was looking for a place to sit until Teddy came until I saw Mr.Grumpy pants sitting alone at a table wearing earphones.
I decided to take my revenge for completely abandoning me on the first day.

"What's up Mr.Grumpy pants? Did you abandon any other cute, adorable helpless girls lately?" I said plopping down next to him.

He looked taken aback for a second and gave me a look and went back to him food rolling his eyes.

"HELLOOOOO" I yelled pulling his earphones out.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just making conversation." I smiled at him. I was having so much fun.

"Do you have to be so annoying?"

"Annoying? Me? Oh please. I'm amazing. You should be grateful that I'm talking to you."

He just stared at me.

"Besides, you are annoying. You're so grumpy like squidward."

"Squidward? Really?" He asked with an amused smile.


"Liv? What are you doing here?" Theo was finally here.

"I'm sitting with my friend of course."

"Friend? Since when did we become friends?"

"Since morning silly."

"Oh really, what's his name then?" Theo asked me raising his eyebrows.

"Ughh... Liam. His name is Liam."

"Did someone call me?" The nice guy from morning came and sat at our table.

"Oh right, you're Liam, the nice guy. This here is squidward."

"Squidward?" Theo asked.

"Yes, Squidward."

He just rolled his eyes.

Lily came and sat next to Cole looking all confused "ugh what's happening here"

"Actually man, you are Squidward. How did I never notice that before?" Liam piped in.

"Dude who's side are you on?"

"Thank you."

Squidward and I talk simultaneously.

Lily looks at Theo for some context and he just shrugs and says "I don't know, I just found them bick-"

"You know what you are.." Squidward glared at me.


"You are hyper and annoying, just like spongebob."

"I'm taking that as a compliment."

"Well, you shouldn't."

"Yes, you are such a SpongeBob." Liam said laughing.


Squidward just shakes his head. So annoying.

The bell suddenly rings.

"I'll see you after school, you do remember that I'm dropping you home right?" Teddy says.

"Yes Teddy I do."

"Okay then, I'm off to class, bye Liam, bye Lily, and bye Squids." I end with a smirk.

Squids just rolls his eyes as teddy shakes his head and Liam and lily are just giggling.


Author's note:

Heyy, guess who's back? We are so sorry, we have been busy for the past few months. Hopefully, due to the quarantine, we'll write more. So, see you soon!

Also, don't forget to vote, comment and share! And do follow us if you'd like to!!

Until next time,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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