New Year at Høgwarts

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The new first years had been sorted into their houses, and they seemed curious as to what had happened—the school had basically fallen apart. If only they had seen it for its whole glory as Hagrid led them to the castle.

"Attention, all students!" Professor Mcgonnagall hit her goblet with a fork, and rose to the podium. "We have gone through much, and to those who have fought and made it out alive, and to those who have stayed an extra year, I thank you with my whole being.

"If not for you, I do not think this school would have made it. Voldemort has tugged us all down, but we will get back up together. We will rebuild the school, and we will teach those who come anew into Hogwarts. May we persevere!"

The whole Great Hall burst into applaud. "Now, I must add one more very important thing," Mcgonagall said, and it was quiet once more. "There will be a school from Korea here to aid us in our times of need. Please treat them all with respect. I welcome Kim Jonghoon's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

That was a strange name, and similar to their's, but everyone looked at the door eagerly. They opened, and rows of cloaked figures marched into the Great Hall.

"Bloody Hell," Ron murmured.

"Greetings," all of the figures said, and it was obvious from there that there were girls and boys.

"There's not too many of 'em," Ron muttered. "At least not compared to Hogwarts."

"Maybe about 200 students?" Hermione whispered.

"It is an honor to assist you in repairs of your school," one of the cloaked people stepped forward, and the voice confirmed it was a man. He knelt, and tugged off his hood. "We would also like to thank you for ridding the world of a villain that of which has tormented all wizards and witches for years."

He looked up at Mcgonagall, and six more stepped forth, three on each side of him, kneeling. They didn't take off their hoods, though.

"Professor Mcgonagall, my comfort to your school for all of your losses," a man stepped forward. "I am
Kyeong Lee, and I offer my school to aid you. My seven best students will be commanding the school, but they will be acting under your word."

Mcgonagall stepped towards him and shook his hand. "Thank you so much for abetting us in our worst times. I apologize that you had to travel such a long way."

"It's alright, we all apparated," Kyeong smiled, bowing. "In Korea, due to the dangerous world of magic, students are allowed to apparate at 14 years old."

"I...see," Mcgonagall smiled back awkwardly. "Well, may your students feel free to sit at any house table they desire! Would you like to sit with the teachers?"

"Of course," Kyeong nodded, then thrned to his school. "Ihu."

The kneeling students stood and followed the one on the middle to the Gryffindor table. The school split ways in groups, without taking off their cloaks. Only the one who had taken off his hood in the beginning did, and it turned into thin air.

"Excuse us," he said to Harry, and smiled, dimples appearing on his cheeks. "May we sit here?"

"Uh—sure," Harry nodded, and saw that there was indeed enough space next to him for the seven boys to sit down. And they did.

"My name is Namjoon," the male said. "You are?"

Harry was quite shocked that he didn't know his name, but it please him, in a way. "Harry Potter."

"Ah," Namjoon winced, and the other six turned to him. "I'm awfully sorry for your losses. Thank you for saving the wizarding world. Really. If you need anything from me, know that I will help you, no matter the circumstance."

Harry blinked. "Thank you."

Namjoon grinned, then turned to the male next to him, who whispered something into his ear. "I don't think so."

The figure smacked his arm, and he sighed. "Harry, my friend here was wondering if you're in your seventh year?"

"No, Ron, Hermione and I are in our eighth year. To help out and do the work we missed out on," Harry said. "I have a question, too, actually."

"Go on," Namjoon tilted his head.

"Why don't you take off your cloaks?" Harry asked hesitantly.

"Oh," Namjoon chuckled. "We don't want the students to feel uncomfortable. When one of them takes off their cloak, a certain portion of our school's cloaks will dissipate."

"I don't think you can make anyone uncomfortable. Our school is very accepting," Hermione said from beside Harry.

"Yeah, mate, you're good," Ron interjected.

Namjoon looked back at his friends, and the six glanced at each other. "You guys can do it."

Their cloaks disappeared slowly, and six more males (as good looking as Namjoon) were revealed. The Great Hall went silent as the rest of the students were uncloaked.

One of them with a shorter height and plump lips caught the glare of Draco Malfoy from afar, and raised his eyebrow.

The Great Hall began to talk even louder than before, and Draco looked at Harry.

"Looks like you got some new friends, Potter? Are they muggles, too?" he teased, and some of the Slytherin table snickered.

"Watch your sharp tongue, Slytherin, before you lose it," a cat-like male hissed from where he was sitting next to the short one.

Draco whistled. "You're quite the defensive one, aren't you?"

The boy smirked. "Don't say I didn't warn you, boy."

He turned back to stare at the wall in boredom, as Draco didn't respond. "And I thought they would be more interesting."

"You can't duel everyone you see, Yoongi," a male with wide shoulders scolded.

"Watch me," he grunted.

"Well, guys, while you still haven't burst out into a fight, how about introducing yourselves?" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Don't be rude to your hyungs," wide-shoulders smacked the back of his head, earning a whine.

"I'm Yoongi Min, the only serious one," the one who had stood up to Draco said, then leaned into a male next to him—who had a bright smile.

"I'm Hoseok Jung, but feel free to call me Hobi," he smiled a heart-shaped smile.

"I'm Jimin Park," the one who Draco had glared at gave a tiny wave.

"I'm Seokjin Kim, you can call me Jin," wide-shoulders introduced.

"Taehyung Kim," another, more tan one said.

"Jungkook Jeon, I'm, unfortunately, the youngest," the last one sighed.

"Yoongi fell asleep," Hoseok informed suddenly, and Namjoon face palmed.

"Wake him up," Jin huffed, then proceeded to do it himself. "If you don't wake up I'm going to flick your wrist into Pakistan."

Yoongi sat up immediately. "You wouldn't fucking dare."

"You're right, I wouldn't, but I woke you up, didn't I?"

Ron was laughing to the point of tears, Hermione was giggling uncontrollably, and Harry was trying not to burst into laughter.

"Oh hell," Ron wheezed.

"All students!" Mcgonagall said, stepping up to the podium again. "May the feast begin!"

Food appeared on the tables, and Harrh turned to the seven. "It's not Korean food, but I can assure you it's delicious. Dig in!"

The seven ate normally. Ron ate quickly, and Hermione and Harry ate—well, again, normally.

It was a new and eventful year of Hogwarts.

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