Chapter Two

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"Kalina wake up come wake up we're almost to Hogwarts" Someone whispered in my ear. Wham! I flung my arm out to smack whoever was trying to wake me up.
"No five more minutes" I grumbled. When I heard no response I looked up to see James clutching his head which had slammed into the window as he tried to dodge my blow.
"Sorry Jamesy" I said sheepishly. He looked at me mock offended and said "That's all I get after you nearly killed me ah! You wound me woman" he said dramatically. "Oh, don't be a wuss" I chuckled.
"Come on we're at the station" Remus said to me. "Alright alright I'm getting up who's gonna wake Sirius". We all looked at each other.
"123 not it" we all screamed at once and Peter who was a little late to understand said it last. "You lost Pete sorry" I said as I ran from the compartment.
See none of us wanted to wake up Sirius because he likes to grab you and hold you like a giant teddy bear when you tried to wake him up, he was very clingy.
We stepped out into the fog of Hogsmeade station leaving peters groaning of being squeezed to tight behind.
"Firs years over hear firs years" I heard hagrid bellowing vaguely seeing his light through the fog. We blindly stumbled to the carriages to ride up to the castle.
The carriage ride was bumpy as usual. As we were walking up the steps to the castle I slipped on the damp stone. I braced for impact but it never came.
Instead I felt a warm arm wrapped around my waist and I looked up into Remus' warm brown eyes and blushed.
I briefly imagined what it would be like if Remus just leaned in and kissed me."Come on let's get inside" he whispered. "Yeah inside" I mumbled snapping out of my daze.
The boys headed over to the gryffindor table as I headed towards slytherin table. " hey guys." I said to my Slytherin friends. " how was your summer?" Pandora asked in a dreamy manner. " it was great Pandora. How was all of you guys this summer" I replied. " me and Barty got to see each other. This summer was really fun. We went hiking and just hung out without our parents freaking out because they don't know we're together." Evan explained. " my summer was fine I spent time with Lily" Severus said. " Mary McDonald and I had a little fling this summer." Dorcas gushed. "Sirius got disowned and left so I'm all alone with my parents." Regulus stated. I was about to comment when Dumbledore started his beginning of the year speech as usual. stay out of this place don't go in that place eminent death is possible.
He finished his speech in the food, appeared on the table as usual.
It looks very delicious today there was chicken that looks like it had barbecue sauce on it. There was peas. There was green beans, corn, and mashed potatoes with lots of gravy. It looked like the house elves had went all out.
I started to pile food on my plate and Barty looked at me questioningly. " what I'm hungry." I said defensively. "I didn't say anything" he said. 
"So Regulus. How are you doing after Sirius was disowned" I asked. " I don't really want to talk about it." He said dismissively.
I dropped the subject so I didn't make Regulus angry. We made idle chatter as we finish the meal, and waited for dumbledore to make his final speech before he sent us off to bed.
I glanced over at the Gryffindor table a couple of times to see what Remus and Sirius were doing. When I looked over, Sirius was cackling, and James looked very red in the face.
I wondered what had happened. Remus looked over at the Slytherin table and waved at me. I waved back and turned back to my food.
I was smiling like an idiot, but I couldn't help it. I was completely in love with him. He just didn't know it. At this point, Dumbledore began to make his nightly speech about how filch has the rules posted and how it's time for bed now that our stomachs are full. I got up from the table and grabbed Pandora and Dorcas and pulled them to our dorm.
As we got ready for bed, I couldn't help thinking more about Remus and Sirius. I wished theyd like me.
I remembered Remus catching me on the stairs and imagined he had kissed me. I would've been on cloud nine. As I drifted off to sleep, you could see the lovesick grin on my face.

The other Pettigrew( Marauders Era )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant