Angry Bakugo

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                               Bakugo POV
I woke up. I could not see I tried to move my hands but they were handcuffed to something. There was a gag in my mouth. I was chained down. I was slowly starting to remember what happened. They attacked me why though? I thought I could trust them especially Kirishima..I thought sadly I raddled a chair. I heard footsteps coming toward where I was. I then heard a latch open and the door swing open.
                          Kiri POV
I heard a chain rattle. I smirked and walked over to the door to unlock it from the outside. I open the door. There he was the hot ash blonde with his intimidating red eyes that could stare holes right threw you. His soft but spiky hair, his huge muscles. He was way stronger than me and he was taller and buffer to.
                        Bakugo POV
I could tell he open the door and was staring at me. Then he finally spoke. It pissed me off but I did not hate him yet for all I know this could have been done for a good reason but from the looks of it. Bakugo was pretty sure he was being held against his will for no reason. " Hey baby" Kiri said.  I can't say anything because of this fucking gag in my mouth.
" Oh yeah. Hah. There is a gag in your mouth." Kiri giggles. No shit you ass hat I thought to myself. But that giggle was so damn cute. Kirishima reached over and took of Bakugo's blindfold. " If I take this gag out you can't scream because if you do I am gonna have to punish you okay love." Kiri said. Bakugo nodded his head rolling his eyes. Kirishima took the gag out of Bakugo's mouth and sat it to the side. " What the fuck happened. What fucking time is it." I said. I felt a hand reach for my jawline and run down my jaw. " We are together now." Kirishima said smiling. What the hell. Kiri pulled out his phone showing me what time it was. 1:39am. I looked at him " Let me the fuck go shitty-hair." I said in an angry voice. " Nope. I can't do that. It's all planned out we are gonna live together forever we will be fine you just need to relax." Kiri leaned in to kiss me. I jerked my head away when his lips were almost touching mine. " Fuck no." I replied. He stared at me. " What did you say to me?" He said in an angry voice. "Are you deaf? I said FUCK NO." I said raising my voice closer to a yell. Kirishima put his finger on my lip to stop me from yelling. I bite down on his finger hard as fuck. He yipped. Pulling his hand away. He looked sad like really sad. He smacked my face. " Don't do that." He said. I was pissed I tried to use my quirk but when I did nothing happened. I froze was my quirk gone for good. " WHERE THE FUCK IS MY QUIRK." I yelled at him. He jumped backwards. He grabbed the gag and put it back in my mouth buckling it in the back of my hair. " It's gone for 12 hours it will be back tho baby doll." He stated.
I growled at him. I am fucking done with his bullshit.
He blew me a kiss and walked out of the room and locked the door from the outside. I went to sleep because I had nothing else to do.
                           Kirishima POV
( Kiri create a group chat with denki and Mina )

Kiri: hey guys Baku woke up a second ago
Mina: what did he say?
Denki: is he mad?
Kiri: He bite the fire out of me. I tried to kiss him but he jerked away but that's okay he is gonna be mine I swear on everything he will.
Mina: sorry dude.
Denki: how mad is he??
Kiri: he is very mad.
Kirishima: when he wakes up u come over Denki he is gonna wanna talk to you.
Denki: ...........shit okay but don't let him hurt me
Kiri: okay night guys
Mina: night
Denki: night
                    Next morning kirishima POV still
I wake up and remember what happened. I am so happy that it worked. I go over to Baku's closet door and unlock it. I open it and immediately got hard. He was laying there with his shirt over his belly button and the rim of his boxers showing. Showing of his v-line. He had drool dripping down his chin slightly snoring tiny kitten snores. I remember about the quirk shot. I go in the bathroom and grab another shot and put the needle in it. I draw the quirk delayer in the syringe. I walk over to the closet and stick the needle in his arm. He does not even flinch. He looked down and noticed he had a boner.
Jerking off warning ⚠️ skip if it makes you uncomfortable.
I got a chair and pulled it up in front of Bakugo. I slowly start rub my dick while looking at the drool dripping down Bakugo's chin. " fuck... Katsuki"  I
whispered to myself. He thought about Bakugo's mouth on his cock. I start to moan slightly. That's when I froze. Bakugo open his eyes and froze. Fuck I say to myself. Blush creeps along Bakugo shocked face.  
                       Baku POV
I woke up to hear moans. I looked up and sure as fuck it was Kirishima. I looked at his face it had embarrassment and pleasure and lust written all over it. I am scared a tiny bit turned on and most of all filled with rage. Kiri sat there still stroking his dick looking at me.

Bakugo.. stay with me please(kiribaku)Where stories live. Discover now