Chapter 3: Photoshoot

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Double update! Yey! Please comment and vote before my ass gets lazy, just kidding! Now let's proceed!


AS SOON as I woke up and turned to my right, I saw an angel sleeping peacefully with his arms wrap around my waist and his legs wrap around my lower portion.

I laugh quietly before decided to get up and get ready. I have a photoshoot later on today.

What time it is? 7:36? Too early.

I went to the bathroom and did my daily routine before going down stairs to make breakfast.


After I finish cooking I looked at the clock and it clearly says, 8:45 am. Why the heck this guy isn't awake yet?

Jimin usually wake up first before me but now he's in deep slumber. Ah! Probably because he use his cellphone last night even though I told him to sleep early! He used it behind my back! Tsk.

I silently open our door room trying not to make a sound and there I saw him still asleep. I let out a sigh before standing at the edge of the bed.

With a thought in mind I suddenly jump onto him, so basically I'm above him.

I heard him groan making me giggle. I look up to see his face. He slowly open his eyes with furrowed eyebrow.

"Jen?" he spoke in a husky voice. Oh no! Don't get wet!

"Why did you jump on me?" he chuckle before sitting up, with me still on his lap.

I cross my arms over my chest and pout angrily.

"You used your phone last night when I told you to sleep didn't you?" I asked waiting for him to answer.

He scratch the back of his neck before putting some hair strands behind my ear.

"Yes I did, I'm sorry." he said in a gentle tone while looking directly in my eyes.

What do I do? What do i do?

I suddenly become lost in his eyes. Not finding the right words to answer i just nod my head repeatedly.

He chuckle before leaning forward and kissed my forhead.

"Did you cook for breakfast already?" he asked as he gently tap my hips making me snap out and get up from his lap.

"Yes." I said as I watch him go to the bathroom, probably to do his routine.

I just stayed there waiting for him. I watch him clean his face and brush his teeth.

After he's done, he hold my hand and we both head down and eat our breakfast.

"What time is your photoshoot?" he asked as he eat.

"Hmmm. 1:00 pm." I answer as i took a bite in my pancake.

"Great then, I'm coming with you." he casually said.

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