Aloha-chapter 10

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This is not the last chapter. But I am however running low on Ideas. Please inbox me for any suggestions or Ideas. I would love for your help. U might just give me ideas to trigger something in my head. Thanks

One month after.
Ali's p.o.v.

It's been a month since the whole drama. Hayes and I are now dating and even though you might have thought we were dating when all that drama happened your wrong. It was just a kiss and only a kiss. Then Hayes did what he prabably should've done with my dad but instead to both Jacks. He asked BOTH Jacks if he could go out with me. Weird, I know. Both Jacks thought it was cool so they said yea. What was the guy ganna do, ask me to marry him?? Well summer is only left with two weeks. Jack, Jack and I started packing. Hayes and I decided to have a long distance realationship. I was completely torn that I wouldn't be able to see him for along while. But I still have my other two favorite guys. Jack and Jack. Where would I be without them.
Jack's p.o.v.

Nash droped us off at the airport. Hayes came along to say good-bye to Ali. When it was time to say good-bye Ali shut down and cried. Unfortunately Ali and I didn't get sit next to each other. Jack and Ali were the only ones to have the same seats. I had a different seat. I sat close by them, but in a different row. I guess I was kinda Lucky. I met a girl. Cute too, and Australian accent. Hello cute girl.

(C=Cute girl J=Jack)

C-"Exuse me is anyone sitting there??"

J-"Oh, no" she moved with her skinny legs, in between me and the chair in front of her. She tripped over my carry on bag, and turned as fast as she could and fell in my lap. I was lucky enough to catch her.

J-"Wow, are you ok?" stuoid kids our age of course gazed ino each other's eyes.

C-"Yea, I'm fine." When I looked up Ali and Jack were staring at me. The cute Girl quickly got up and sat in her seat.

C-"I'm REALLY sorry about that."

J-"No, it's fine, u tripped."

C-"Oh ok, I'm Torri. Torri Strong"

J-"Jack, Jack Gilinsky"


T-"You don't mean THE Jack Gilinsky, do you??"

J-"Yep, I actually do."

T-"I came all the way from Australia just to meet you. I've been traveling all around the world for adventure, and then one day I saw you and your partner on youtube and I decided that I wante to meet you."

J-"oh wow. Well there should be someone, else that you should meet. That girl behind Jack J is my little sister. Ali."

T-"I didn't know you had 3 sisters. I only read that you had 2."

J-"Yea, well Ali isn't quite known. Everyone us still confused. You see I was adopted right after I was born. When I was six my biological mom had Ali. 12Yrs later Ali comes to find me, and I go to find her. And two years later wich is now here I am talking ti you."

T-"Oh, wow the guts she had looking for you that's amazing!"

J-"Yea, she's a sweet girl."

T-"Alright then, well I guess I'll be going to my phone now."

J-"Hey, before you do do you want my number? You seem cool to talk to."

T-"Yea, sure why not?" I gave her my digits and we both went back to our phones.
Ali's p.o.v.

I was sitting down at my seat in the middle between some old guy and Jack J. I was trying to make myself comfortable. I leaned my head on Jack J. It didn't seem to bother him anymore. Sometimes Jack J would put his arms around me pulling me in. (He's a big softy. He may not seem like it but he is) But right when I out my head on Jack we heard this big thump. I got up and leaned across Johnson,(That's what Ali is ganna call him now to make things easier so) he looked back as well. I saw some pretty girl on Jack's lap. They gazed into each other's eyes. I lifted up an eyebrow staring at them so did Johnson. After a couple minutes Jack pointed at me. I quickly looked away.

(J=Johnson A=Ali)

A-"Did they see me?"

J-"Yea I'm pretty sure."

A-"You sure?"

J-"Pretty sure." I calmed down

A-"Young Love."

J-"Look who's talking." I roled my eyes and said

A-"Shut up" I also said playfully

When we got off the plane I saw Jack talking to Pretty girl. Pretty girl spoke to me saying "Goodbye Ali, Jack Gilinsky's sister." I was like "Bye?"

I turned to Jack asking "Who's that?" He responeded with a sparkle in his eyes "Torri, Torri Strong. The most beautiful girl."

I laughed but then paused saying "Hey....What about your sister?!" I thought to myself 'I'm beautiful'. All I could say about Jack acting like this is Hello new lover Jack and Goodbye groovy Jack.

Gilinsky's Sister: Teenage Years (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now