Who Are You?

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Present day 

  Ed was woken awake by popcorn pelting his face. He sat up, rubbed his face and tried to stifle a yawn. He failed.

  "Oh lookie, Ed Nygma is finally awake." Selina sat on a stool, shoving popcorn into her mouth and occasionally throwing it at him.

  "What time is it?" He stretched and yawned once again. His back hurt like hell.

  "Three in the morning." His eyes bulged out of its sockets but it wasn't really clear as he wasn't fully awake.

  "Why'd you wake me up so early?"

  She shrugged, "Because I wanted to." He sighed and let his head fall back onto the pillow.

  He was stood next to a river. His cracked glasses clung to his face as the right handle of his glasses were snapped off after the beating he got from the Valeska twins. His right eye was slowly turning purple and his lip was cut. Badly. His body was frail and the trees loomed over him. He realised he was 5 again. A boy stood next to him, fidgeting with his hands as he looked at the river below them. He looked familiar, but Ed couldn't recognise him.

  "I double dog dare you to jump." Ed nudged the boy with his shoulder.

  "Only if we jump together. And we have to hold hands! So we don't get pulled down the waterfall." 

  Ed nodded, showing one of his toothy smiles at the boy. They grabbed each others hands and held them like the world was going to end if they let go.

  "1... 2... 3... Jump!" They leaped into the river and couldn't stop themselves from laughing. 

  But unbeknownst to them, as they swam up for air, they didn't realise that they had let go of each others' hands. 

  Ed poked his head out of the water and took a big gulp of air. He was laughing so loudly he didn't realise the other wasn't.

  He finally stopped and realised that the hand he held as he jumped was no longer there.

  And then he heard him. The water muffled his cries and the boy was shouting his name. He was getting pulled by the current and he kept getting dragged under the water.

  "E-Ed! Hel-" his head went underwater once again and when his head bobbed back up, he was coughing out water. 

  The boy was getting nearer and nearer to the edge as the seconds ticked by. If Ed didn't do something soon, the kid was going to plummet to his death.

  He kept getting hit by the twigs and the logs and the rocks as he tried to think of a way to save his friend. It cut his arms and made bruises but he didn't feel any pain.

  Ed tried swimming over to the kid; but he was 5. He didn't know how to swim.

  And as Ed watched his friend reach out to him, and fall, all he could do was reach out to him too.


  And then he woke up. He was drenched in sweat and and water. Selina stood over him, holding what seemed to be a bucket that used to be filled with water.

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