Chapter 20

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Book title: Love me alpha.

Author: SoulMated

Description:Holly is a young werewolf who has been singled out her whole life, but when her pack finally pushes her too far causing the thin thread she had been hanging onto to break she thinks death will be her salvation. It's a shame her plans are interrupted when she meets the alpha of vicious pack though, but is she to broken to feel love, a feeling she no longer believes in?

My thoughts: amazing book. Amazing author. Brilliant ...

Chapter 20

Alex's pov

I lay there in the cage. My wrists and ankles burning from the gold chains. I may have been stripped of my wolf, mind link and other wolf traits but for some reason the gold still burned me. The pain just got worse and worse. I didn't think I could take much more of this torture. It felt like I was dying. But a little voice in my head told me that this is just the start. That there is more to come. As you can understand I loath that voice more than my kidnappers. The voice told me something the kidnappers hadn't. It told me that I would probably die here. But that wasn't the problem. It told me that I wouldn't die soon with a quick painful death, but that I would die after many days of torture slowly and painfully. But luckily for me before I started making scenarios in my head the door burst open. Actually maybe it wasn't lucky. He had a knife. And a bag. A blood bag. I fainted. Maybe it was the pain. Maybe it was the knife. Maybe it was both. Who knows. But something I do know was that when I awaken I will awaken to more pain and more suffering. I did not want to awaken. Ever. And now you think I'm a drama queen. That I'm a wuss because they have barely done anything yet. But they are rouges. Rouges are vicious and cold hearted. Actually stop there. They are not cold hearted. They have no heart. They are heartless monsters. A crime of nature. Pure evil through and through...

When I unfortunately woke up I was no longer held by chains but my wrists and ankles were now covered in severe burns and blisters. As I sat up I noticed other cages around the dimly lit room. They were full of bruised and bloody people. Werewolves and humans alike. As I scanned the room I noticed I wasn't alone in the cage. There was a small body shaking with terror as he tried to get further away from me.

"hey hey. Its ok I won't hurt you" I said in a soothing tone. Happy when his form shook a little less and I could identify the body as a boy.

"I promise I wont hurt you. I would never hurt you" I promised the little boy, his eyes still wide with fear.

"I promise" I whispered.

"my my n.. name is s..scott" he stuttered. I smiled widely at him.

"what a lovely name. I'm alex" I said still smiling. Happy when he smiled tentatively back.

"are you cold?" I asked worriedly. He nodded his head vigorously.

"here" I said and started to take my jacket off but before I could he scurried over and sat on my lap. Curling his small frame into a ball. I couldn't help but smile as I wrapped the jacket round both of us holding him to me tightly. It wasn't long until he fell asleep in my arms. He was like the son I never had.

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