Chapter 3

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You awoke to the front door slamming open, staying quiet in your sheets. "Don't bother me.. Don't. Bother. Me." You muttered, looking at your door. Just your luck, your dad threw the door open. He stormed over, obviously hammered. "Get out of bed, you asshole." he dragged you out by your hair, yourself yelping and trying to pry his hands off. ((A/N I am so sorry karkat shhh)) He threw you against the wall, anger evident in his eyes. "You fucking caused her to die, you inconsiderate fuck. How does it feel to be the cause of your own mother's death?!" he snarled. You couldn't take it anymore. You stood up, glaring. "Shut the fuck up." "What was that?" he said, glaring back. "I said to shut up!!" he quickly grabbed you by the front of the shirt, slamming you against the wall. You had the air slightly knocked out of you as he growled at you. "You don't fucking speak to me like that. Im the reason you have a fucking roof over your head. I could easily throw your ass on the street. So treat me with some fucking respect." He then threw you on the ground, kicking you in the side harshly. This caused you to scream silently, tears threatening to spill. After finishing what he came for he stormed out, slamming your bedroom door behind himself.

You soon dragged yourself onto your bed, lifting up your shirt and winching a bit. You lightly traced the newly forming bruises against your side, noticing also that your wrist had bruised badly from the night before. You pulled out your small bottle of ibuprofen you had gotten from gamzee, taking a few before laying down the best you could. A few tears slipped out of your eyes, quickly wiping them away. You sighed, closing your eyes and getting a few more hours of sleep before school.

[time skiiip]

You woke up to your alarm, sitting up slowly and wincing in a lot of pain. You agonizingly got out of bed, not bothering to take a shower and just got dressed. It was going to take you a bit longer to walk so you quickly grabbed your bag, eating something fast, and then silently made your way outside. You walked, your hoody you decided to wear pulled closely to you.

You got to school as fast as you could, going straight to your locker, or so you had hoped. "Oh look, its shorty." you heard a voice say. You slumped down a bit as you walked, hoping she would ignore you. The girl's name was Vriska. Let's just she had been a complete bitch to you since your mom passed, finding it entertaining. "Oh, where do you think you're going?" she said, yanking me back. You winced slightly, quickly turning and pushing her back. "Fuck. off." she just laughed slightly. "Awwwwwwww why don't you go cry to mommy? Oh wait, she's dead!" You just turned, ignoring her, walking away while she laughed. Getting to your locker, you grabbed the needed books and such before turning to go to homeroom, only to run into someone's chest. They quickly caught you before you fell. They chuckled lightly while keeping you steady. "So your crabby and clumsy? That's a combination." you looked up only to be met by the lispy boy's face. You quickly stood up, shrugging the hand he had on your shoulder. "Haha funny." you responded sarcastically, walking away. "Hey wait!" he grabbed your wrist, you quickly yelping and yanking it away. You turned, glaring at him. He looked at you weirdly. "Is your wrist okay? You kinda yelped when I grabbed it." I'm fucking fine, just leave me alone." He shrugged off you telling him to go away, walking with you to homeroom. "I was going to ask if you wanted to trade contact info, seeing as I don't know many people around here. It would kinda be good to know someone besides my dad and teachers." You both stopped outside of the door, you glaring at him lightly. "If I do, will you stop following me like a lost puppy.?" He chuckled before nodding. So you both traded contact information before heading into homeroom.

[mooooore time skips]

The day soon ended, you really wanting to just die in a whole. Your side had been killing you the whole day, along with your wrist. You quickly left last period when the bell rang, not bothering to drop stuff off at your locker. You walked outside, heading towards the normal way home you went. Soon you heard someone walking fast towards you before sollux appeared next to you. "Whats with the hurry?" he asked. "I uh... have stuff to do. Yeah." he just looked at you. "You know I can tell you don't." he stepped in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. He stuffed his hands into his pockets. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over and play video games or somethin? Maybe even do homework." You just stared at him. He looked at you hopefully, yourself soon sighing. "Fine." he fist pumped, smiling a bit. "Alright, cmon."

You both walked before getting to his house. He opened the door, waiting till you walked in before closing it. "Dad, Im home!" he spoke out, a voice responding from the living room. You walked behind sollux silently, putting your book bag on the floor next to his. The weight off your shoulder helped a bit with the pain of your side, allowing you to breath a bit better. A tall man sat on the couch, drinking coffee. He glanced over from the TV, getting up and smiling a bit. "Hey son. And you must be Karkat?" I nodded a bit, waving slightly. "Well, we're gonna go upstairs and play games for a bit. Cmon Karkat." you followed Sollux upstairs, walking into his room. It was littered with wires and moving boxes. "Im not completely moved in yet, sorry." "Its fine." You sat on his bed, getting comfy. He turned on his TV and console, handing you a control. You soon realized it was COD, smirking a bit. You were good at this game. "Pft, COD? Really?" you questioned. "Yeah, really. Why the questioning tone?" You shrugged. "No reason. But prepare to get your ass whooped." He snickered. "Oh you're so on." And so the gaming challenge began.

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