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Once there was a pig. His name was PIG FLOP. He flopped on his enemies and killed every last one of dem.

He was BFFS with Worf da forf and was jealous of Worf's Girlfriend named Worfa da Forfa. 

She had magnificent luscious lips that were poofy!

He was in love.

W/ her. He thought she was from Alaska when she was obviously from France. He shook hands with her. And she declared war on him. He died.

Dat end.


Worf is suspicious of dis BFF. He goes: HMMMM. His meep is meep like.

But Worfa loves him! And he doves Snorfa! He was dating another fatso!

But Worfa did not nu!

He was obviously handsome with big buttcheeks that smelled like spaghetti and bacon.

"Hey babe," He said to Snorfa.

"Hi, random dude I forget who's name!" Worfa replied. "Oh! Right! You were a milk-man!"

"WHAT!? Oh... of course babeeeee."

"I'm not a baby! DO you see me suckling on you nipples?!?!" Worfa cried. "Ummm... yes?" Pig Flop said. "You're cuddling with me right nipple.."

"Ooooo...Right. Sorr-eee." Worfa says. "Anyways babe, me Luv someone else."

"Den why you call me 'babe?'" Piggy of da biggest flops demands.

"Because me likey you. But me love someone else. Me call dem: Me el-burgerato SUPREME!" Worfa says.

"Oh! There he is now!! Hey, Cow flop!"

A fat horse was sitting on a tub, riding a plump man.

"Oh, Senorita," Cow flop smiles. "I likey you," Snorfa says.

"Me too,"

"Let's get married!"

"In Mexico!"

"Come along my princie dumpling!"

Pig flop is sad. Mierda de la caca de DIGGLYDOG asesino* translated to BIG FAT ICHWORMS.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2020 ⏰

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