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Sitting on the plane, Lucitta with her eyes closed was thinking. She was leaving her country for the first time. Behind her, she left her family, and friends. All the people she knows and loves were left there. She didn't want to go to this foreign country. She didn't even speak their language. However that's where she can build her future, and that's where she will live from now on.

It has already been 4 months since Lucitta arrived in the states. She adapted herself pretty well in school. Her grades were good. She was involved in a lot of activities. Most of the activities she was doing was to keep her busy. She didn't like being at her house because she always felt like a stranger in a strange world. She wanted to free herself from this feeling. She decides to write a poem to express herself.

Today is Friday. Lucitta is standing in front of all her classmates, and teachers. They were all quiet and attentive while she was speaking.
"Dear classmates and teachers, it's with a joyful heart that I welcome you today. Five months ago, at a time like that, I was in my hometown. I was at my house with my family, making jokes, and having a good time together. One month later, I was on a plane coming here. At first I decided to close myself, focus on my studies, and nothing else. But, I started to dislike the atmosphere of my house. So I got myself involved in a lot of activities. Few days ago, I realized that I had imprisoned myself. At this present day, I want to give myself freedom. To do so, I wrote a poem called "Stranger" that I want to share with you. I hope you'll like it. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened them again. Then started.

Leave your country for another, where you are a stranger.
Families are tearing each other apart just to see the stranger.
Stranger, I am, on a foreign land.
All eyes are fixed on me who is a stranger.
Strange, I feel like a stranger.
Perhaps because of these foreign eyes.
Is this the truth? I am ignorant of it.
All I know is that, among all these strangers, I made some friends.
And in this foreign land, I built my life.........."

Thank you !

Everyone got up, and applauded. Lucitta bowed and smiled. The applause was for her like a welcome song. She no longer feels like a stranger. She was welcome among them. Now she feels free...


A.N.: This story is really short, but it actually represent my feelings. I wrote this to express how I feel when I left my home country for another one. Hope you like it.

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