Knocked Out

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       Honestly, I have no idea where to even begin. So, I suppose I'll start with how tedious the day started.

       It was a typical, dreary Monday. Summer and I were talking about what, I don't remember. When she goes, "Misery, have you heard the saying, 'I'll knock you into next week'?" I reply, "Yes, I have. Why do you ask?" I'll confess, I was a little curious as to why she'd bring it up. "Great, because if you're not quiet. That's what I'm going to do." But then, Summer wasn't a great person or friend. She's like one of those people you meet and then can't get rid of for some reason. I assumed she was teasing. So, I jokingly clarify with a slight tilt of my head, "What are you talking about?" She whirls around with such anger it stops me in tracks, "What I mean to say is if you don't stay quiet, I'll knock you into next week." I take a faltering step back, mumbling, "Okay."

        A few hours later and I meet up with her again. "So, how are you now?" I ask. "I wasn't kidding, Misery, I hope you know that," she seethes. Caught off guard by her words, I inquire, "Is there something wrong?" She groans, annoyed, "Yes, you're what's wrong. You won't leave me alone." She stalks off with me on her heels, "I don't understand. Why don't you want to talk to me?" "I have no desire to chat with you," she glowers.

        That, right here, is a dilemma I've had many times with her. She was allowed to grow tired with me. But I'm not permitted to ignore her at all. It's something about our "friendship" I despise. I mean, can you even really call it that?

         "Misery? Misery?!" She calls to me, attempting to get my attention a little while later, while I try my best to overlook her, which never goes well, but I supposed it was worth a shot.

         She doesn't take my silence as an answer. She rarely ever did, and this one of those days where me staying quiet didn't matter. When I do answer her and acknowledge her existence, she would just as quickly get irritated with me.

         "What is it, Summer?" I ask, concern for her disregarding my annoyance. She looks at me, "Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Am I embarrassing you?"

          My reply is immediate and routine as if my voice belonged to that of an automaton, "I didn't hear you. No, and no." She waves her hand at me, "Eh, I don't care all that much, as long as you're not upset with me." "Well, what would happen if I didn't pay attention to you?" She whips around as fast as lightning, rage burning behind her eyes. "Kidding, Summer. I was joking," I murmur, and the anger dies down, not before I feel her open palm strike my cheek. Which knocks me back, and I stagger away, clutching my face.

          "What was that for?" I ask, annoyance giving way to fury. She looks at me, confused. "You slapped me," I gawk at her, bewildered. "What? I could have sworn I did that last Monday." I stare at her, perplexed. "You're acting odd, Misery, stranger than usual, which is saying something because you're weird," she mentions with a fake chill. "Wait, last Monday?" I grab her by the shoulders. "Yes, that's what I said. Now, please let go of me." "But you don't understand, Summer, that was a second ago." She narrows her eyes, concerned, "What was?" I release her and point to my stinging cheek, "This." She leans in to examine my face, "Misery, there isn't a red mark or even any evidence that I hit you." "Okay, but hear me out, for me, that was a second ago, while it was an entire week, for you." She grips my hands, "So, you're saying I knocked you into next week? Real funny prank, Misery, even for you." I glance down, "I'm not joking, Summer, you did." "You know what, Misery, I'm done talking to you about this. If all you're going to do is be cruel, then don't speak to me," she stalks off as I round on her, "I'm mean? Have you ever looked in the mirror, Summer? Oh, wait, my bad, I forgot if you gaze into a mirror or any reflective surface and see how much of a monster you are, you'd break it." She gawks at me, aghast, "You did not just call me a freak." "You're right. I didn't!" I yell, stomping my foot and leaving her.

                                                                                                                                                                                   The End.    

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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