Dangerous games

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Yeosang taps mindlessly on his phone, trying to ignore the screaming in front of him. He changes his position on the couch, moving from a sitting stance to a more comfortable one as he lies down. He's the only one on the couch anyway.

There is a loud commotion in front of him, Mingi has Wooyoung on his shoulders, carrying him and screaming as San tries grabbing Wooyoung from him. The said boy currently has one hand on the ceiling and another holding onto Mingi, trying to dodge San who is trying to whack him with a stick like a piñata.

The screaming gets to Yeosang's head and no matter how hard he tries to ignore them, it's impossible, especially when they are throwing things around and sometimes hitting him accidentally.

Now he could go to his room... but he secretly wants to know how their game will turn out. Even Yunho is filming them, no one else has the guts apart from them three to make a human piñata. It's just that he wishes they wouldn't be so loud. Wooyoung is screaming as San resorts to pulling his leg, making Mingi shriek as he almost loses his balance, then they run around the living room with thundering sounds that make the floor shake.

Yeosang glances at them, shaking his head as they play their dangerous game. Wooyoung tries regain balance on Mingi's shoulders by holding the ceiling but it's the rapper who fumbles, tripping on the mess on the floor that they made, sending Wooyoung flying across the room, luckily having Yunho break his fall.

Now, San is on the ground crying with laughter as everyone else lies on the floor groaning in pain.

A sigh is heard from the couch. You'll never see me doing something stupid like that. He thinks, not even having to look at them to know that they are all on the floor laughing. They did seem like they're having fun though.

San jumps up "my turn! come on Mingi get up" He ties pulling him off the floor but gets a complaint from him, something about an aching back. Yunho shoots up, offering to carry him, whining that recording them was boring.

And it all starts again. At this rate, someone was going to get injured. But none of them cared because they're having fun and Yeosang rolls his eyes, he prefers safe fun. What's the point of having fun if you're going to get hurt and prevent yourself from having fun again? As the begin their new game, Yeosang heads to his room, having gained a headache from the other's screaming.

The sounds of their game are muffled now, making it easier for Yeosang to relax. He sighs deeply as he gets comfortable in his bed. This is how he likes to have fun, no injuries here.

But barely a moment passes in peace as the door is swung open, revealing his roommate, who runs into the room towards Yeosang. I just got away from them.

He silently curses the boy running towards him, not being able to get a moment of peace. What does he want? He groans as Wooyoung kneels beside the bed excitedly trying to get Yeosang's attention.

Being friends for many years, Wooyoung knows what Yeosang finds fun or not. The two like to spend time with each other and hang out differently, like playing video games together, instead of actually role playing a game in real life that should otherwise stay behind a screen, these things he left for the other to play with. But besides that, Wooyoung likes Yeosang's company the most, whatever they did, there is something about him that he found so endearing about him to this day. His jokes never fail to make him and the others shriek with laughter and his overall soft liveliness makes all of the members want to hang out with Yeosang. He's a natural at drawing people in, Wooyoung has been hooked since the day they met when they were 17.

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