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Roman was surprise to say the least he didn't expect the villain to collapse like that , but roman did the human thing and picked him up and carried him back to Logan and Patton . What happened to you roman said in his head and carried on walking making sure the small emo was secured in his arms . When he got back to the other two supers they were supposed to say the least then Patton went into  "dad Mode" as roman likes to call it and started asking a lot of questions .

Patton pov:
Omg is he okay , what happened, roman you better has no have done that , what can I. Do to help him , omg I should heal him i forgot I could do that hehe silly me .
Prince could you lay him down please so I can heal him please ? . And that's what roman did he laid down the small emo so Patton could heal him 
Romans POV :
Do you think he's gunna be okay ? He looked pretty beat up when I got him I wonder who could have done this why  didn't we see it sooner that he looked pale every time we fought him !? .
Roman clam down panicking would do him any good we must wait till he wake up until then we can take him back to the house and clean him out a bit and question him when he awakens, the logical one said his voice full of concern for the human laying on the ground
Hey guys sorry this took ages took so I had some school stuff to do and ya know how that goes hehe but since the school are closed because of the virus that's going around I will have more time to write :))))
Stay safe my little dolls xxx

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