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     Here I am again, for probably the millionth time in my life. In this pitch-black room, waiting for it to light up upon his arrival. I sit with my knees hugged to my chest, in this quiet and still room. Here it begins, as the room lights up with a spotlight set on him. He stands there, today in an over-sized black t-shirt with dark blue jeans. His hair messy and fallen in his eyes. A straight face until having made eye contact with me, turning into a bright smile as he walks over.

"Jun" I whisper in a small voice, making his smile grow bigger. He sits behind me, back to back as we usually do. I lean against him, letting out a sigh as I do. Every night it was the same process, as I started to feel slightly comforted by his presence. The way I would rest my hands out next to me and feel his on mine only seconds later as his warmth spreads to me.

"How have you been Sunshine?" He asks gently, as his soft hand goes to mine as per-costumed. I smile at his nickname he'd given me when he met me so long ago.

"I'm okay, what about you?" I ask in return, wanting to know what had been going on in his life. Lately it seemed all our conversations were just me complaining about my problems with Youngmin, which Jun would gladly listen to.

"I'm moving tomorrow" he says, his voice low and monotone.

"Are you sad you have to leave your friends?" I ask, frowning. I feel him lightly shake his head, as he turns around, cuing me to do the same. I do, and as I do, I see a small smile as he pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and says,

"Maybe you'll be where we're going" Regardless of knowing he wasn't real, I still liked to pretend he was. Maybe it was because he was someone, I could show my real flaws and thoughts to. Maybe it was because of the fact he wasn't real that I felt so comfortable with him. I smile at him and nod, wishing that I could just stay in this dimly lit room with him forever.

"How's things with your boyfriend Sunshine?" he asks, looking disappointed as he asks.

"They're okay..." I smile, shaking my head a little. He gives me a small frown before pinching my cheeks and ruffling my hair. I swat his hands away before patting my hair down with a small pout that he laughs at.

"You don't seem as happy with him" Jun frowns as he studies my facial expression carefully. I just shrug before responding,

"It's not that I'm not happy... I love him," as I say the words, Jun's expression slowly drops before quickly picking up again as he listens, "It's just that the relationship isn't as I expected it to be"

"What did you expect?" He asks, his hand finding mine again.

"Something more...spontaneous? Something... filled with sweetness and warmth yet strong. Like cuddling while watching shows, or dancing after looking at the stars together. Laughing and crying together...sneaking out late to watch the sunrise together. Getting drunk and falling asleep in each other's arms. I wanted something... that would break the predictability of my life" I pause for a second, taking a deep breath before continuing, "With Youngmin... It's just like the rest of my life. It's so...picture-perfect. No excitement. Just me going to his basketball games, hugging...occasional kissing and holding hands. Sometimes we go to parties together or parks but its like... we have some unspoken book of things we can't do. No breaking curfew, no getting too close to each other, no flirting...especially in front of other people. Dates are set weeks in advance and their always to such common places during respectable hours. I wanted something more exciting..." the silence between us fills the room as I look at Jun's sad expression. I giggle before shaking my head, "I'm probably being unrealistic. Afterall, relationships like those only exists in movies, right? I should just be grateful for the relationship I have now and stop nitpicking" Jun quickly shakes his head at that before standing up and smiling at me. He holds out his hand, and I look up at him...confused on what he was doing. I finally grab his hand, and he pulls me up. However, he seems to use too much force, as I bump into him with a squeal. He laughs before grabbing my waist, my arms wrapping around his neck in a reflex. He stands there, looking at me with a sparkle in his eye and a charming smile on his face. I look up at him, my heart somehow beating fast regardless of the fact this was all a dream. Right...a dream. This happiness and comfort I'm feeling would soon fade as the alarm goes off and wakes me. But I shake that thought off as I look at Jun and ask,

"What are you doing?" His smile somehow grows bigger at that before he responds, "You said you wanted to dance" I can't hold my smile as he holds out his hand, his other staying on my waist. I take it, our fingers intertwining as my other hand stays on his shoulder. Then he started, smiling the whole time and never breaking eye contact as we danced in this dimply lit room with the spotlight over-shadowing us. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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