2. gone

15 0 11

You step into a classy dinner with red carpet and a stunning chandelier. And then you see him... there he is berd wearing a black tux
red flip flops and a necklace with a single Dorito

Berd: you look absolutely perfect

yn: as do you
you smile in embarrassment

berd: so uh shall we
he pulls out a chair for you to sit in

yn: we shall

you dined the night away chitchatting and eating fancy foods you'd never even heard of.
although he did seem to ask rather questionable questions such as your address social security number family records things like that of course you told him because he had a Doritos necklace

you went home after that delightful night  swooning over berd i mean isn't he just perfect
you stumble back to your room and see clyde...? but something was off he was eating celery he'd never even had celery in his life! clyde had always refused to eat nothing but the best seeds of course so this was strange but you went to bed thinking nothing of it besides you would just deal with it tomorrow

the next morning you woke up to see clyde GONE?!!? you panic and look every where calling for him but he was no where to be found so you did the first rational thing you could think of call berd you cry to him in fear


berd: ok it's gonna be ok just don't panic

yn: i'm past panicking berd!! he's never done this he's never left clearly something bad happened!!

berd: i'm sure he's somewhere close just calm down

you spend the rest of the day sick to your stomach not knowing where clyde is worrying thinking of all the things that could've happened to him what if he's hurt or in danger you think well if he was kid danger would surely come and rescue him

*buzz buzz* you hear from your phone it's from berd come over said the text well you sure needed some support so you grabbed your keys, jacket then headed out

berd: hey i'm so glad you could make it!

yn: yeah me too you
then you embrace in a hug and start to cry

yn: i just i can't believe he's gone berd...

berd: he'll turn up don't worry

berd: here have some celery juice he says holding two frozen cups full with juice

he hands you the one with elsa

yn: thanks berd

you take a sip and all the sudden start to feel a little dizzy and sick then you fall to the ground and black

next thing you know you wake up tied to a chair mouth covered in tape to see... BERD AND JOHN FROM THE MARET!!......

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