One - Tony

213 9 2

CW: kidnapping/abducting, loss of a child and guilt, violence/war

Peter punches Thanos and swings into a circle of red sparks, appearing on his other side. "Magic with a-"

Purple hands grip Pete's neck and slam him to the ground. I raise my repulsors, arms tense. "Put him down before I blast your-"

"-Hello little one." Thanos says, tone predatory and gentle. My stomach turns at his cognitive dissonance. God, what I'd do if Pete was out of the blast range.

Thanos rips the IronSpider mask off, Pete's face red. His eyes roll back, and at the last second Thanos shifts hands to Peter's chest as he gasps for air.

"Kid, you okay?"

"I will be. Once we kick this guys ass." Peter says, voice hoarse

"Interesting. Your will could be immeasurably beneficial for the greater good, little one."

Thanos ran his free hand through Pete's hair, the kid squirming in vain. "Greater good? Dude, you wanna kill half the cosmos."

"Veracious, as well. If only you were shown the truth." Thanos turns to me, smirking. "I'll be back for the stones Ironman." He snaps and falls into a portal with Pete.

"No!" I scream. But it's too late. Pete's gone... If the kid dies, that's on me.

A/N: So, idk if I want to continue this. I don't really have any further ideas except maybe some Mysterio in FFH-esque manipulation but I'm not sure. Either way leave comments if you have any critiques or any ideas. Thx for reading.

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