The Beginning

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Hyungwon sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked past Seungri. He really couldn't STAND the boy with his constant arrogance and swagger; always acting like he owned the world and everyone in it. His thoughts were so dull and shallow that Hyungwon swore he'd collapse if a remotely intriguing thought passed through the boy's mind. Seungri was an idiot, and Hyungwon lived by that.
"What's got you looking so annoyed?" Hyungwon's best friend Wonho was waiting at his locker and looking thoroughly amused.
Dang, he looks pissed . . . Seungri?
Hyungwon bit back a snort. He and Wonho had been friends since they were toddlers, and throughout the years Hyungwon had come to see that Wonho was much more perceptive than most would think. Of course, Hyungwon also hadn't told him that he could hear what was running through his head on a daily . . . so couldn't exactly voice that particular complement.
"Seungri," Hyungwon grumbled, not missing the flash of exasperation that passed Wonho's face.
"What's he done this time?" . . . other than take up unnecessary space that an actual human being could use . . . man I'm so glad he's moving.
"What!" Hyungwon blurted.
Wait . . . did I say that out loud? No I didn't . . . he was probably just responding to something he heard someone else say.
Crap. Damage control time.
"That guy just said that Seungri is moving!"
Wonho exhaled, then laughed. "Yeah, I was just about to tell you that. MAN, why you gotta go and beat me to my awesome news. You ALWAYS do that!"
Hyungwon cracked up. "See you after Physics!" He yelled as he walked away.
Hyungwon had never told anybody that he could hear thoughts. Not even his parents . . . it wasn't that he didn't trust anyone, it was more that he knew it would make people uncomfortable to know that their thoughts weren't censored to him. He refused to lose the friendships he had just because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. He'd long ago accepted that his burden was one he had to carry alone.
¨Yo H-won!¨
Hyungwon sighed before sitting down next to Yoo Kihyun.
"You're never going to let me live that down are you."
Kihyun giggled; a sound that Hyungwon found to be incredibly annoying in its adorableness.
"Nope! Also, did you hear we have a sub today?"
Hyungwon mentally fist pumped. He liked Professor Hyunwoo, he really did, but the thoughts the man had about Kihyun were ones he definitely did not want to intrude upon.
"No, I didn't. Great, yeah?" Hyungwon could feel the corners of his mouth twitching, fighting back a smile at Kihyun's answering pout.
No it is NOT great! How could he say that when now I have to go a whole day without seeing him now! God he's so hot . . .
Before Kihyun could voice aloud his righteous indignation, their substitute teacher for the day walked in with another student. Hyungwon gave the sub a bored glance before pulling out his notebook to doodle.
"Alright class, Professor Hyunwoo is out so I'm your sub for today! My name is Im Changkyun and if you respect me, I'll respect you and nobody will have any problems. Clear?"
"Crystal," the class chorused. Hyungwon tried to tamper down the giggles that had overcome him as soon as their substitute started talking. He didn't think poor Im Changkyun really knew the effect his voice had on people . . . Hyungwon had never heard so many thirsty thoughts at once. The thoughts changed to absolute adoration when the teacher then flashed a dimpled smile.
"I'm also happy to inform you that you will be welcoming a new student today. I'll let him introduce himself."
Hyungwon looked up once again for the cursory glance at the new kid, but quickly found that he was unable to look away. Hyungwon didn't register anything the poor boy was saying because he was too busy staring at what was quite possibly the most beautiful human being Hyungwon had ever seen, which is saying a lot considering he spends all of his time around Wonho and Kihyun. Speaking of, Kihyun was slyly observing the not-so-subtle way Hyungwon was reacting to the beautiful boy and immediately raised his hand when their substitute asked if anyone would like the new kid to sit with them. Hyungwon snapped out of his small trance when he saw the pretty boy walking towards the two of them and shot a glare at Kihyun, who rolled his eyes and, with a mischievous smirk, moved so the new kid could sit between them.
He totally has his eye on Minhyuk ... this should be interesting.
Hyungwon couldn't even be offended when he heard the thought cross Kihyun's mind, because he was too stuck on the fact that the gorgeous boy's name was Minhyuk.

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