Chapter 1

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"But, dad," Kiara, who'd been called into her father's study by their maid, promptly drummed her palms on his mahogany desk in protest of his news, "that's not fair!"

He pulled his pipe from his lips, and exhaled a breath of smoke as he gazed out of an antique stain glass window, "I think you're forgettin the part that states this isn't up to you," her put together father figure placed the pipe back in its home between his teeth, and turned to face his spoiled daughter, "I was wrong to raise you as I did. You lack self control, and discipline, dear. This is what you need, and my word is final."

Kiana removed her palms from that shiny desk of his, her right moved to her hips, while the left found its way to that golden hair of hers, which was delicately curled, and pulled back to where it framed her face, and fell onto her shoulders, "this is a load of bullshit. I have plenty of self discipline."

"Tell that to your spending habits."

She let out a huffy breath, and crossed her arms across her chest, "whatever."

"You'll like it. The woman that owns it used to babysit me, she's a very nice lady. Her granddaughter helps her out, but she's getting up there in age, so they would really appreciate your help. It's a win win. They get free help, and you get free, humble teaching lessons."

She turned in a dramatic manner, which made her laced maroon dress twirl around her slender figure, "yeah, yeah. I'm sure it will be a blast."

"Start getting ready, young lady. You're getting dropped off in an hour," he let out another cloud of smoke, "and... try to wear something a little less expensive. You're gonna have to suck it up, and get a little dirty for once."

She responded in an aggravated tone before slamming the door behind her, "well that's just grand, isn't it."

Her father simply let out a light chuckle, and mumbled under his breath as he picked up his inkpen to continue his paperwork, "I really did spoil that one, didn't I..."


The ride over was boring, and nerve wrecking. Outside, she made it clear that she was unhappy with the decision, but inside, she was terrified. Kiana had never needed to work a day in her life. Not to mention, she'd never really associated with people under her class level. Throughout her education, definitely; she'd attended an expensive private school. However, even now, a year after graduation, she'd never really paid attention to anyone other than her fellow high class peers.

This was a first if she'd ever seen one. If someone would have told her this was her feight a few years back, she'd have fainted.

"God, this is going to be a nightmare..."

The driver slowed the car to a stop, and turned around in his seat to face her, "we've arrived, Miss Kiana."

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, "thanks, Ted..."

"Of course," he stepped out of the car, and walked over to open the door for her. In response, she sluggishly stepped out, and attempted to hide the disgusted feeling she had at the sound of her genuine leather heeled boots making contact with the dirt beneath them.

"I shall arrive around nine in the afternoon to bring you back home. Do enjoy your day, Miss Kiana."

"Kay... I'll try..."

He bowed before stepping back into the navy blue machine. Her breath got caught in her throat at the sight of the vehicle speeding away.

This was really happening.

Kiana had been so focused on the empty road where their family's car had disappeared between the thick sea of evergreens that she didn't notice a girl approach her from behind.

A gentle shake of her shoulder snapped her attention away from the forest, and oh boy, the face she made was nowhere near inviting.

And then Kiana saw her. Every ounce of aggravation disappeared, and was replaced with awe. The person that stood in front of her had to have been the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. She was blonde, like herself... but unlike Kiana, her hair was platnum; so much so that in the sunlight, it appeared to resemble a cream colored, silk thread.

Kiana's mind was immediately rid of the negative first impression of the place. If this is who she'd be working with, she'd find a way to get through it. Hell, she'd force herself through the hard labor if it meant getting to know her.

Kiana did her best to put herself together again, and brushed her dress off, as if trying to rid herself of her own nerves, "Hi..."

The girl simply gave her a smile; the kind that melts your heart, and gives you that floating sensation. The girl lightly grabbed Kiana's gloved hand, and led her towards the rustic farmhouse.

She had to summon every ounce of self control to lighten the flush of her cheeks.


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