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A year and a bit later

The baby accomplished what no one else could. She united her brothers. The Preston men stared down at the newest addition to their family tree. Agatha Russo did not have Preston to her name, but then, neither did her brother and cousin, Rafe.

"She looks like Rafe's mother. Only a blonde version of her," said Aunt Bella, staring down at the bundle of joy in her arms. Born eight months earlier, she had been blessed with a baby to love that Valentine's.

"She was beautiful," said Anna admiringly, for she saw that very same beauty in the infant before her.

"She was a fool. But no more a fool than me." Aunt Bella shook her head with a sigh.

"No. Being fooled doesn't make you a fool," denied Anna. "He was the fool, not you. Never you," she added earnestly.

"Thank you, my dear," she said gratefully. "It gives me comfort to hear your words, but I knew I shouldn't be bringing this up at a time like this. What was I thinking?"

But Anna only shook her head, turning from her reflection in the mirror to drop a kiss on Aunt Bella's forehead. She knew the other woman was older, but that didn't stop her from feeling the wiser of the two, especially at times like this, when Aunt Bella's inner vulnerability showed.

"It's no worry, Aunt Bella," said Anna, turning back to study her reflection. She couldn't believe she was doing this.

"Well, you make a beautiful Valentine's Bride," said Aunt Bella with some pride. "Who knew Rafe would be such a romantic? A Valentine's Day Wedding."

He was not the only romantic. Anna smiled to herself inwardly.

"She does, doesn't she?" gushed in Jane Simmons before deliberately widening her eyes to hold back her tears. She had been doing that all morning and knew she would have to keep at it if she wanted to make it to the wedding with her makeup still intact. "Shouldn't we be off by now?"

"Yes, we're just waiting for Pat," said Anna calmly.

"That boy takes longer to get ready than a bride." Jane huffed before rounding Anna to peer at her own makeup in the mirror.

Anna chuckled, moving obligingly aside.

"Right," said Pat, finally sweeping into the bridal room with all the accompanying drama that was expected of him. "Is the bride ready to grace these exquisite arms?" he asked, holding his arm out gentleman-like to Anna.

Anna snorted. "I was ready ages ago."

"Unfortunately, I can see that is true," murmured Pat, eyeing her makeup skeptically. He moved to touch her face, but Anna nimbly dodged out of his reach.

"Uh-uh," she reprimanded. "Don't mess me up."

"As if I could," Pat muttered before deciding to drop the topic. "So how do I look?" He pranced and preened then stood there, waiting impatiently, wanting to know.

"You look," said Anna. "As good as I do."

Pat chuckled nervously. "Touché."

"Let's hurry along then." Jane huffed, unimpressed by their bantering. "You're giving Anna away. We don't want to be late."

They moved out then, glad for Pat's escort, as Dan's country estate was every bit as lavish as his city spread, only bigger with the hectarage that went with it.

Several nifty turns and long walks later, they were outdoors, standing on the grand staircase that would lead them to the gardens below and the men who awaited them.

"After you." Pat moved graciously aside to offer up the path to Jane and Aunt Bella.

They waited for the cue and, when it came, proceeded to make their way down to the seated guests below. Anna didn't notice a single person other than the man who waited her at the other end. Her hand gripped Pat's arm tight as she leaned in to whisper to him.

"Thank you for giving me away... and for everything." She tore her gaze away from Rafe's then to look up at Pat gratefully.

Pat's own smile was nervous as he glanced down at her before jerking back up to stare at the man who awaited him at the end of the isle.

"Well, thank you too," he said. "For giving me away."

Anna beamed up at him, glad she would be sharing this day with him forever. It was just another matter that bound them together. Her hand gripped his arm tight as she turned to beam back at Rafe.

"Glad you could join us, love," murmured Rafe as he moved to pry Pat's grip off Anna's arm. At some point during the bridal march, their grip had switched, and Pat had found himself clutching at Anna for support.

"Baby, you can open your eyes now," said Dan, amusement alight in his tone.

Anna turned startled eyes away from Rafe to take in Pat's closed ones, and the bubble of laughter that escaped her had to be choked back. Her laughing eyes met Rafe's filled with merriment, and it was all she could do not to laugh again.

The clearing of a throat helped her sober up. Anna accepted Rafe's warm grip and turned to stand next to him and face the court-appointed marriage registrar. Pat did the same. Clamping his own hand onto Dan's, he moved to stand belligerently beside him. Dan's soft chuckle met their ears, and their smiles widened. But then the ceremony commenced...

"We are gathered here today... to present this man and this woman... and this man and this man... in matrimony... to love and to cherish... 'til death do you part..."

After a brief formal exchange of vows and rings, they were pronounced husband and wife, and husband and husband.

"You may now kiss..."

A thunderous applause drowned out the rest of his words as both Anna and Pat were swept into a kiss by their respective husbands.

The ceremony paused for the exchange of signatures on court documents, and then it was all champagne and more laughter. Pat's perspiring arrival as a groom was much talked about and laughed over, and Anna's beautiful Vera Wang gown was much admired.

When the dancing commenced, both couples opened the dance floor, dancing with their new spouses and then with each other. But at some point, in the festivities, Anna found herself in first Jason's and then Matt's arms.

"Congratulations, Anna. Welcome to the family," said Jason Preston. Jason and Matt had taken the plea bargain to wipe clean their slate for turning in everyone Eric and Peter had ever had a dealing with.

"Thank you," said Anna, for once feeling no animosity toward a Preston.

Their dance was interrupted by Matt.

They began in awkward silence, but then Anna said, "Thank you for coming." The wedding invite to Rafe's half-brothers had been her idea. It had not been a well-thought-out idea, but once she had it, she found she couldn't let it go.

Matt's nod was brief before he looked awkwardly away. It was some moment before he spoke again. "Thank you for inviting me. I was glad to meet Agatha."

"You're welcome," said Anna, turning to look away. She hadn't expected him to say he was glad for her and Rafe, but...

"You look beautiful," murmured Matt, drawing her attention back to him. "You... you both look good... together."

It was an admission of sorts, and Anna was happy to hear it.

"My dance, I think," said Rafe, seeing no compunction in cutting in. Matt released his hold on her with a mocking bow, and then Rafe was stepping in and swarming her senses.

"Happy Valentine's, my darling Mrs. Anna Russo Brown," he murmured possessively.

"And a Happy Valentine's to you, my love. Mr. Rafael Walter-Simmons," she murmured back as possessively.

Their laughter rang out with joy before it was promptly muffled with breathless kisses. 

Heart - Book 3 of the Bad Boy Vibes seriesWhere stories live. Discover now