Before The First Day Of School

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It was an airish evening at the Tokyo Community College's dorm room. 

"All set," a dark-skinned muscular guy in a blue uniform said with a smile on his face. 

"Thanks for helping with the packing and stuff, Mr. Hiroyashi," a guy with garnet eyes and black hair replied, but with less emotion.

"If you need anything, let me know." He turned and walked out, but before he did, he gave him a note. 

The note read: "Work-study program at Tokyo Community College." 

Kuro smiled a bit, given that he liked to work, but just couldn't get his foot in the door. His butlers and maids sheltered him from that, even though Mr. H helped him with that behind his back. Surprisingly, it worked. 

Hiroyashi is Kuro's father figure, despite not being blood-related. He watched him grow from age 8 all the way up to now, age 18. He's been in his life ever since his parents were shot and killed. They would go out for ramen, Christmas gifts, just about anywhere in Tokyo...

Before Hiroyashi waltzed out, Kuro asked, "Mr. H, when can I start?"

"As soon as you can. They need all the help they can get, from the cafe and snack bar, to cleaning up. Oh, and when is Kyushi coming?" 

"He's supposed to be here soon. He's probably caught up in traffic or something."

"But he doesn't have a..."

"Public transport."

Hiroyashi strutted out. "You take care, man. See you at church or Ramen Hut or wherever." He shut the door as he walked out.

The black-haired kid flopped on his bed and groaned, "When is Kyushi coming? We gotta get some damn groceries." 

He got up, opened the curtains, and looked outside, seeing lovely couples that are about his age. "Why am I on the fucking list of the Undateables?" he groaned a bit. "Well... At least I have my father figure, and friend.." He pause for a moment and facepalmed himself. "Shit! Why did I say that shit? That sounded gay!"


2 hours later, it got as dark as a night club without lights. 

Kuro was lying down on his bed, looking at the ceiling. "When the fuck is Kyushi coming? He's probably caught up in a debate or some shit. "


A nerdy, brown-haired character opened the door. "Kuro! It's Kyushi!"

The black-haired guy opened the door. "Oh, it's you. lemme guess: fucking traffic?"

Kyushi replied, "Yep. Also, I was glued to my phone, watching Paul Joseph Watson."

"Oh, that guy. Tell me, has he ever debated?"

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Negative. And what's with this vapid music?"

"Let's just go to the grocery store. We need food for our fridge."

"Why couldn't you just go alone?"


Kyushi backtracked. "Okay, okay. Shoot, man, I apologize." 

After Kuro calmed himself down, he and his partner in crime walked out to the grocery store.

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