Chapter 1: Happy Birthday

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A/N: For all those who are curious what are the full name of the characters here they are:

-Odyssey Meteoroid Marquez Yelistranova
- Cliendra Raine Ramirez
-Xhinimee Iris Ramirez
-Zelestia Mhaxylee Marquez
-Ice Nexus Ramos
-Techno Valentino  Alejandro
-Archemia Misty Heart
-Rhixzyne Anivia Quinzyl
-Ash Neighvan Venomton
-Vortex Sky Mistsunobi


It was a very dark and freezing cold but I don't know where we are. I tried to open my eyes but I'm just too weak...every part of my body hurts, every muscle ache up to my bone. I just felt a strong breeze of cold air traveling from my back through my chest. Maybe his right I'm just a useless creature of the universe. I gathered all my strength I have to just open my eyes... that's when I realized that we're falling in the sky. I saw my friends having the same thing as I'm experiencing right now. I tried to save them but I can't move a single I couldn't even save them, then the most scariest thing of all of them are fading away into stardust. I tried to shout but I can't, I let down my whole team... I'm weak...



"Odyssey wake up! snap out of it! please wake for us!" I just felt that someone is shaking me in the middle of the night.

"S-S-Sister?" I opened my eyes slowly and I saw Zelestia and the rest starring at me "I'M SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE YOU!" some droplets of tears are falling into my cheeks.

"It's Okay, It's Okay, we're here, we're here, it's just a nightmare, it's okay..." I just felt her hand combing my hair while hugging me... she's comforting me.

"Are you okay? here drink this glass of water it may calm you down." Rhixzyne gave me a glass of water and I drink it right away "What happened that's the first time you have a nightmare?" she added.

I remained silent for some few minutes... then Cliendra broke the silence...

"Hey I think we should prepare." she said.

"For what?" Techo asked and all pf us just looked at her.

"For what?, it's Archemhia's Birthday you psychos, what kind of friend are you? not remembering your friend's birthday?" her eyes widened.

"Oh yeah! of course I knew about that!" Ice said like he knew Archemhia's birthday.

"I'm not buying it Ice!" she looked away at him and start walking away from my room "C'mon we have a party to set up!"

We carefully went downstairs so we couldn't wake her up and we have a meeting about the party...

"Okay we need some decorations, cake and some party food... what else do you want to add?" Cliendra asked while writing the party stuffs we need.

"What is her favorite color?" Ash asked.

"Anything will do, she's not picky on the colors." she answered back.

"But where do we get a cake? it's only 2 in the morning?" this time Rhixzyne asked.

"Leave it to us!–"

"QUIET!" we whispered.

"Vortex and I can take care of that." Ice was just giving his self a self-compliment.

"Darkness gift." Ice and Vortex become invisible and they opened a portal... "Oh yeah! what flavor does she like?"

"Dark Chocolate" we all answered and they left with an open portal.

After a few seconds a cake was just floating in the air and they're here...
When they turned back to normal, we are just starring at them with an open mouth...

"W-What is that?" Xhinimee pointed the cake with a disgusted face.

"Ughh... it's a cake dinggus!–"  he answered.

"Wait-wait-wait-wait! did you two stole that cake?" I asked but I couldn't believe what did they just did.

"Yes we stole it." Vortex said straightly without charging minds.

"What? nobody's around, everyone is asleep... thank you for your free cake." Ice smiled like he's our hero.

"Anyways... party decorations and foods–"


"What the F? don't tell me you also stole it?" Zelestia's eyebrows just frowned.

"Yes we did! Thank you!" again he smiled like he's our hero.

"Okay let's decorate!"

After decorating the living room, we head back to our own room...

"Oh yeah what time does Archemhia wake up?" Ice asked.

"7:30 so set an alarm at 6:30. Goodnight!"


I was hearing my alarm, so I turned it off and proceed downstairs and go to the kitchen right away...

After making my present for Archemhia, I just go to the living room and watched some TV and wait for them to get up. Thirty minutes before 7:30 they all rushed down quietly, what happened to 6:30?.

After we prepare all the stuffs, we each get a party stuff to wait Archemhia to go down... I got my present, Ice got the balloons, the twins has the cake, and the other got the party foods—one dish per person—. Suddenly we heard a soft footsteps upstairs so we get ready to sing and when we saw her face near the stairs...

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you!"

"Happy Birthday Archemhia!" we greeted cheerfully and we saw her eyes widened and surprised...

"Thank y–"

"The other song!" Ice shouted so we all sing.

"Happy Happy Happy Birthday!, the liquor is all yours! the snacks is also yours! Happy Happy Happy Birthday! we wish you will get us drank!"

"A round of applause for that mothafacker!" Ice shouted.


Archemhia's face was full of joy... the we proceed to the dining table to eat...

"Ohhhhh! is that shanghai!" Archemhia's eyes widened and she tried to get some but Ice slapped her hands...

"No you can't have that right Odyssey?"

"Right you can't have that because you have your own bowl of shanghai for yourself!" I passed the bowl of shanghai.

"Yes!" she punched happily in the air.

"We all know that your the shanghai psycho." Ice tsked

"Hmmmmm... so... good!" Archemhia is enjoying my gift, that's nice.

"Can I have some?" Cliendra tried to reach one piece.

"NO! GET YOUR OWN!" yup she's the psycho when it gets on shangai...

After we've done eating we proceed with the party games like limbo dance, charades and other party games and the only thing we consider is the happiest Archemhia in the universe.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2020 ⏰

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