The List

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Welcome back lovely girls!

Here is our much awaited list of 101 Reasons Why I Hate Being a Tomboy.

P.s to anyone who feels like this is a negative list, please remember that this is just a little bit of fun.





1. Moms tries to pressure us into wearing dresses

2. People question why I don't do anything with my hair

3. People always think we're depressed or something because we wear dark colors

4. People stare judgmentally

5. Everyone suddenly thinks we are gay

6. People judge you for hanging out with guys all the time. And think your a lesbian...

7. short hair

8. Planning things around your sport

9. People mistake you for a guy and they ask you "Are you a guy or....."

10. You feel awkward clothes shopping because all the clothes you want to get are in the boys section(example: Spider-man t-shirts)

11. I wanna play sports and things, but it's not "acceptable" for me to sweat like a guy.

12. When you listen to a girly song or wear a dress everyone makes the biggest deal out of it.

13. People 'assume' that tomboys don't have feelings

14. Falling in love with boys in video games

15. When your friends mock you for rather wanting to play COD than watch Gossip Girl

16. Other girls avoid you because they think you're lesbian

17. When your guy friends call you 'one of the guys' instead of a friend

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2015 ⏰

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