A Lie With Good Intent

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"Let us all buy trousers" said Evelyn.

"Yes! Let us. It would become a lot easier to ride my beautiful Jen" added Josephine excitedly.

"It would make such a bold statement, I can't wait" spoke the red head whose name I never bothered to learn.

And before I knew they had already made plans to go to the town Shopping Centre the following evening.

"No wait, I do not like pants. They make me look heavy" I added quickly before they could force me into joining them on this progressive endeavour. I like the way I look in skirts, thank you very much.

"No Tess how can you say that? Weren't you supposed to be the 'boldest' amongst us all? " commented Evelyn,snarkily.

Our town, Nerbville was known for its hypocrisy. Don't get me wrong, I love our town. Our town is one where the coloured and whites study together,where women are not looked down upon for wanting to study further or choosing to remain single, where corsets are a choice and not an imposition. It is a small town in New York, away from the city.
However, combined with all these liberties is the phenomenon of reverse judgment. Folks are looked down upon for not adopting a 'modern way' of living, and the definition of 'modern' is as narrow as one would think it could be.

"It has nothing to do with me being bold. I do not think pants will suit me and that's that" At times this reverse hypocrisy could be rather infuriating.

"It it because of the society which has created such notions that women cannot look good in pants since it is unnatural. I am telling you, your curves will look beautiful in pants" And of course Josephine would say that. She loves to hold the society responsible for any views differing than hers. If it was up to her, my love for cereal would also probably be a consequence of the 'profound impact of the society on my thinking'.

"This has nothing to do with the society Jo. I do not like the way pants look on me and I'm saying this not out of imagination but an unsuccessful experiment" I was growing impatient.

"I think I agree with Tess. The entire idea about freedom is freedom of choice. We should not be forced to wear skirts just like we should not be forced to wear trousers" finally, said my best friend, Christine.

"No but you can not know whether you will look good in pa-"

"Oh quiet now Josephine. While I appreciate your insight on trousers and I really do, today, we are going to study about landscapes. We have been ignoring this topic since two months now and I figured that since- wait, where are all the boys?"
While I was glad that our teacher, Miss Stacy was finally here, in our little classroom, I had dreaded this question.

"Yes?" she looked at us expectantly and all of us looked at each other, hoping that somebody could frame a lie.

I blessed the lords for Evelyn's quick thinking as she opened her mouth.

"Miss they are preparing for a game of baseball." I sighed because I knew that is going to bring up follow up questions.

"Preparing for a mere baseball game and skipping school?! I ought to have a chat with their parents I suppose".

"Miss it's a baseball match with Marecolville" now thats smart thinking and that is exactly why Chris is my best friend. We hate  Marecolville, our neighbour town. We  hate it, our parents hate it, their parents hate it and generations of our ancestors have hated them. If one asks a resident of Marecolville, he would say 'likewise'.

"Oh Marecolville you say? Then why haven't the town's people heard of this match? " you can't just easily fool Miss Stacy. She has studied from the best of universities in the New York City and suffice is to say that men come to her not for marriage proposals but for financial advice.

"It's being held for stupid reasons, that's why Miss Stacy. The boys of Marecolville and our own boys had a small fight and instead of indulging in violence, they chose a more conducive method of articulating their anger. So it is not an official game and none except the children themselves are invited" finished Ella.

"I see. And what is the fight about?"
Uh oh.

"It is about a girl, Miss Stacy." replied Evelyn. I don't like where this is going.

"Who,may I ask? "

"Theresa" she said, with a wide smile on her face. Oh that vixen. I take all my blessings back.

"Theresa? A word please" and with a small gesture I was asked to follow her to the teacher's room and meet my doom.

I could not tell her the truth about the camp but boys fighting over me? How would I ever explain this. That wretched Evelyn!

So the first one is here!!!! What do you guys think? What do you think of Theresa and her class mates? What do you think they are hiding? And how do you think Theresa is going to handle this mess?
Since this is my first story, I'd be grateful if you could tell me how I could improve my writing. And please keep supporting me, it would mean a lot💌

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