Fuck You Shoto!!!!

271 9 3

Katsuki's pov

I can't be left alone, can I? I try to slowly keep walking but it seems that today is just not my day, "Answer the question, Bakubro~" the dumb electric blonde just loves to make me miserable. It's easy just answer 'pass', so why can't I seem to get the words out my mouth.

Ok he is handsome, I can say that i've got eyes but he is an antisocial, unexpressive bastard that apparently releases sexual pheremones and can't hold himself back everytime he's around me but he is handsome, hot, elegant... beautiful but he isn't Kirishima. His not manly, captivating, strong, generous, hard working, boisterous...

"Umm Blasty?"

Kind-hearted, honest, chilvalrous, passionate, respectful, courageous...


So why? 


So why did I say that?


After avoiding people for a while and getting teased, looks followed by snickering by my own class. Kirishima wants to clear the air and invites me to a (his words not mine) bro-out, a hang out with the 'bros' but what he doesn't know is that I over heard him invite Icy-fucking-hot 20 minutes ago.

"Fuck off, I'm hanging out with Pinky" said girl squeals at the mention of me hanging out with her, my mistake was not realising she already had plan.

"Ahhh! did I just hear that the infamous 'Lord Explosion Murder' is spending his precious time with the girls for a girls night out" the way her eyes sparkle just makes me wanna puke but 'Lord Explosion Murder' aint no liar and even if half the girls' eyes gleam in hope that I don't attend, I nod.

"Cool we can just all have a bro-out or a girl-out, can girls be called bros?" while Kirishima and Dunce Face question if 'girls are bros', said girls complain about girls' night being ruined and infested by boys also the Grape Juice is not inveted, they're complaning?!?! what about me?!? I guess I'll just go fuck myself since my only escape from Icy hot turned to a BRO-OUT!!! (HIS WORDS NOT MINE). 

So now we're here sitting on Pinky's floor playing TRUTH AND FUCKING DARE, we can just sit here and talk like normal fucking people. 

Dunce Face and Kirishima pass out these pink drinks and everyone sips on them (whey're kinda sweet, not bad) while Soy Sauce Face passes out snacks. Just when I thought things could not get worse, Dunce Face opened his mouth while Kirishima laughed "so... the pink drinks are actually truth serum, so anyone who has a secret! its about to get WILD TONIGHT!!!". 

                                                                                 Well fuck me.


Ok so far everything is going well, topic is kinks and everyone is just exposing themselves including myself. "ok, ok biting kink?" me with truth serum in my system answers and when asked "why?" I reach for the handsome red head next to me and pry his mouth open.

"Have you seen his fucking mouth?" the girls squeal and I swipe my thumb across his bottom lip. "Stop making Kiri gay panic!!" Mina drags me towards her and Eijiro just tries to convince everyone he isn't gay. "settle down guys... ok cock and ball torture?" Kaminari says "Den you're disgusting!" Mina giggles as if she's drunk.

The 'party' moves on pretty quickly back to truth and dare ad while everything is getting relaxed Eijiro gets dared to say something that will fluster me. Please say something sexual, Please say something sexual, Please say something sexual,  My thoughts get cut off, same with Ejiro's complaints by Todoroki who sucks my joy and excitement with his next words "I can make him flustered" my cheeks already getting colour as I stand up to complain "NO! it's Eijiro's dare" but I fail nonetheless "Eijiro? we'll get back to that, but look he's already blushing, its your dare now". While Todoroki slowly walked to me my heartbeat fastened and I started stuttering "w-wait this... this-" he end up interrupting me telling me to "sit" (fuck me and my  love for being commanded, where's my bratiness now?!?).

Everyone including me is surprised that I !?LISTENED!? then he leans towards me and starts whispers by my ear, hand covering his lips ("you look adorable right now") I look down at the floor telling him to shut up, barely due to the quiet voice and all the stuttering ("all the fussing over 'Eijiro' makes me want to take you right now, pin you against a wall where everyone can see") they way he spat out the name 'Eijiro' was full of jealousy but that was forgotten when the hand cupping around my ear starts massaging it making me gasp and my cheeks darken ("would you like me to fuck you?") he says kissing the area on my neck he can reach FUCK.

Mina loud as always asks what he said AND HE JUST START RETELLING IT "first I called him adorable then-" I get him off because apparently boundaries don't exist for him "ok, fuck off Mina you don't need to know!!".

                                                            AHHHH! Fuck You Shoto!


This is for Julisha4life and for the 1.8K readers (THANK YOU SO MUCH, I WAS SO SURPRISED WHEN I SAW THE VIEWSAND STARS) because they wanted me to update even tho i do this for fun, when ever i remeber this exists or if i feel like it. i will try uploading more since people seem to enjoy this story.

                                                         Thank You For Reading!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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