Chapter Four

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Amber’s P.O.V

" – and then I talked and talked and talked and tal-”, he rambled vigorously.

“Jeremy, did you do anything other than talk?” I questioned, grinning at him.

“Uh... nope”, he answered popping the ‘p’.

“And what did this certain... friend of yours do while you talked?” I scrunched my eye brows, giving him a skeptical look.

“He just listened to me the WHOLE time!” Jeremy’s eyes widened as disbelief was evident in his features.

I was glad he made a new friend. My brother indeed had a charming appeal, a sort of charisma that most people did not have, but to listen to him for a whole eighty minutes?

It’s like a suicide mission, the kid doesn’t shut up.

We sat at the kitchen island instead of our usual routine of eating in front of the television because Jeremy didn’t want me to get distracted while he told me concisely about his amazing first day at school.

Yeah right, AM-AAZING! I rolled my eyes inwardly.

Clearly his day was a hell of a lot better than the shit load of crap I went through.

I poured him a glass of milk, then sat beside him on the bar stool, gripping his shoulders.

Derek was still sound asleep. A hard day of work had worn him down yesterday and he had returned from his office at two in the morning. I guess there’s not many perks to being a lawyer.  

So I decided to take the initiative to cook for the family, rather than waking him up. Though, breakfast only consisted of eggs and pre-cooked bacon, which was the only thing that did not involve using a knife

Let’s just say when it comes to me and sharp objects, I should be given a restraining order. 

I looked at him straight into his eyes, portraying a serious look and soon Jeremy’s expression had changed to mimic mine.

“You sure he wasn’t sleeping or dea- whoa there bud! Just kidding”, I winked at him smiling smugly.

He made a face at me and looked away, shunning me. I chuckled and ruffled his hair.

“So what’s his name?”

“Wh... his name?” He repeated, mildly confused.

Jeremy thought long and hard about this, scratching his head. The look on his face made me want to laugh again but I composed myself.

Never in my life had I seen a five year old so stumped, it was like giving Einstein an IPad, just plain hilarious.

His eyes brightened, “Okay, Okay, I remember... wait never mind”, he slumped back into his chair.

I looked toward the antique clock in the living room, which read 8:17 a.m.

“Ugh, I’m late!” I jolted out of my chair.

“Wait, I have to tell you his name! Oh yeah...”, I kissed him on the forehead and made my way past the stairs, to the door, still maintaining eye contact with him.  

 “Oh... I forgot”.  Jeremy pouted.

I shook my head, laughing.

The sound of Derek’s lazy footsteps sounded from the stairs.

“Morning”, we both called in unison, me shoving my foot into my shoe, Derek rubbing his eyes, clearly still not use to the daylight.

“Hey Amber, could you come home immediately after school today please? I have a meeting and I still haven’t found a baby sitter for Jeremy”, Derek requested.

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