[... you see this]

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dear reader,
hello. i don't know why you're reading this, but i'll do my best to guess. maybe you're in need of comfort. maybe you lost someone close to you, maybe you lost someone you barely knew. maybe someone turned on you and you feel stuck, alone. maybe no one turned on you, but you just feel alone. you feel alone, you feel tired, and you feel helpless. maybe you feel as if nothing will ever get better. maybe you feel that you're in your final moments, that your life will be over in a matter of days, maybe even minutes. maybe, nothings wrong. maybe you just happened across this book and decided to read it, just to see what it could possibly hold. whatever it is, i thank you for giving me your time. i thank you for giving me the chance to help you, to show you what could be. thank you, and i hope that this may help you as much as you wish it to.

with love,

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