Pure Thief

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Jon's POV

A rich looking guy had just rode into town. My spirit animal, Voleur (a fennec fox), was positioned to steal the newcomers money bag and I was in position to steal a random bag of his. Once he tied up his horse and walked to an inn keeper, me and Voleur grabbed the bags and ran.

"Hey, come back here!" The guy yelled. We kept running until we came to our hideout. I opened the bag I had grabbed and found a small bag of money and a bunch of clothes. I rummaged through the clothes looking for anything useful, when I came upon six cloaks. One was white with a black design on the back. It wasn't practical for a thief since it was so bright, but I felt like this cloak had to be mine. I put it on and it fit perfectly. 

Voleur started barking from his place at the window and I shot up, pulling out my knife. The door swung open and the guy from before stood in the doorway. "Give me ba- wait, why are you wearing that cloak?" He said, surprised at the end. "Um, I don't know. It just felt right." I replied. He gave a small laugh and walked in, his cat jumping up on the only chair. 

"You know of The Legend of Esma, right?" He asked closing the door. "Yeah, it's the only book I have." I replied, looking for an escape route. "You're wearing the cloak of purity, and, based off what you said, you're the cloak wearer of it." He said, surprising away all thoughts from my mind. He went and grabbed the purple cloak and put it on himself, while I tried to figure out why this guy would try to mess with me. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me.

"Wait, so are you a cloak wearer too?" I asked. He nodded, packing up his stuff. "My name is Bryan, what's yours?" He asked while extending his hand after he had finished packing up his stuff. I put my knife away and shook his hand. "Jon." I answered.

"Well Jon, will you help me find the other cloak wearers and evade the dangers we are definitely going to face?" He asked, picking up his clothing and money bag. He picked up his small money bag and waited for my answer. "Eh, why not? I've got nothing better going for me, and at least I'll get to see places." I replied with a shrug.

"Here, in case we ever get separated." Bryan said, handing me the small money bag. I gave him a smile and grabbed. "Well, I guess we better buy you a horse and start traveling!" He said happily, while I nodded in response. We put our cloaks in Bryan's clothes bags and walked into town.

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