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If someone asks you to write a list showing how loving your partner is, it should be more than 'they're nice, they can make me laugh, they're cute', Anybody could have those things. True Love is unique, special, and takes a lot of effort. True love fulfills you and never drains you, it knows all of your flaws but accepts them, and it admires you but never possesses you.

When you choose someone to be with, don't think about whether they are cute, successful, or will impress your family and friends. None of that matters, at all. Pick the person whose soul you want next to yours when you are old and ugly and can't do anything but sit next to each other. Pick the person whose company will never get old even when you do.

That's my take on true love.

I hope it was helpful. Thank you for reading, I pray that you each find true love and happiness in your life!

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