Chapter 1 ~ Do They Know?

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^~^ Todoroki POV ^~^

It was an hour before school started and I had just gotten ready. when I heard a knock at the door. I went downstairs and opened the door to four beautiful faces, Kirishima, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Kaminari . I hug all of them, then we start walking to the boba shop down the street. I stat to drift off while walking to the boba shop when I here Izu-chan call out my name, snapping me out of it. "Todoroki-kun, what type boba are you getting?" Izu asked me. "Probably Stra-, no wait Mango!!" I say to the green haired boy. He laughs and says "Ok baby" teasingly.

Once we got to the boba shop we each ordered, I then realized I had forgotten my wallet. "Hey um..guys..." I say nervously. "What's wrong babe?" Pikachu asks. "Left my wallet at home.." I tell him. "Shark boy, Kirby, Izu who's paying? our peppermint boy forgot his wallet" Pikachu tells  our lovers. "I can! I've got like seventy something dollars with me!" Sharki says. "Thank you" I say quietly. After getting boba, we started walking to school.

{Time skip: After school/class}

After our seventh period was over Kirishima, Midoriya, Kaminari, and Uraraka came to get me out of class. Since it was a Friday and my family was out of town, I invited them to stay the night. On our way to grab their clothes, we decided to stop and walk through Cherry Blossom Park. We walked around for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Then continued walking to grab their clothes, from each of their houses. Once they had all gathered their clothes, we continued walking to my house.

{Time skip: At Shoto's house}

When we arrived at my house, Uraraka ordered some pizza. While we waited for the pizza to get here we chose a movie to watch later.Choosing the movie was hard because Kaminari and Kirishima wanted to watch a scary movie, but Uraraka, Midoriya, and I wanted to watch a childish movie. Since three of us wanted to watch a sweet movie we each picked out a childish movie. Uraraka picked Sailor Moon, Midoriya picked Kiki's Delivery Service, Kirishima picked Spirited Away, Kaminari picked Akira, and I picked My Neighbor Totoro (My favorite!!). The first movie we voted off was Akira. Next was Sailor Moon. Then was Kiki's Delivery Service. Then it was down to Spirited Away and My Neighbor Totoro.

^~^ Kirishima's POV ^~^

When we saw how excited Sho got about his movie being in the last two movie to choose from, how could we not choose his movie. He's too damn cute. We told him to go set up the blue ray player and put in the movie. We then each took turns changing into our pjs. Sho was the last one to change and when he ran out of his room in his Totoro onesie with that big ass smile, my heart literately melted. I ran over to him as fast as humanly possible,  picked him up and ran over to the couch and sat him down. I then covered him with blankets.

^~^ Todoroki's POV ^~^

After about an hour of cuddling we heard the doorbell ring. Kaminari was closest to the door so he got the pizza and paid. He put the pizza onto the table and got plates. I grabbed a plate and two slices of pizza. Uraraka turned on My Neighbor Totoro.

{Time skip: an hour and thirty something minutes}

After the movie we just laid on the couch and cuddled for a while. I started to drift off.

^~^ Uraraka's POV ^~^

Sho fell asleep on the couch so Izu and I took the dishes to the kitchen while Ei and Kami took Sho up to bed. After Izu and I had finished doing the dishes put them all away and went up to Sho's room. When we got upstairs we saw Kami tucking in Sho before getting into bed as well. Ei decided to take a quick shower before bed. After Ei got out of the shower Izu went to go brush his teeth and I went to wipe off my makeup. We then also go to bed.

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