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Ruri rushed out into the courtyard waiting for her friend to appear from the doorway. A couple of minutes passed. Ruri's feet started to hurt so she decided to sit on the fence instead of standing.

5 minutes passed. Still nothing. She tugged at her sleeves anxiously pulling them all the way over her hands.

10 more minutes passed and Ruri walked into the school building to go and look for her. Maybe she was caught up in her classroom finishing some work. Or maybe she got sick and was in the bathroom.

She searched in both areas and still didn't find her.

After searching for another 10 minutes she walked to the front shoe boxes to see if she was there or not. Normally she would have met Ruri at the courtyard, and wouldn't have taken longer than 5 minutes for her to get there.

Maybe she was sick or something happened with her family. She hoped nothing had happened and that she was alright.

She scanned all the names listed by the boxes, "Izumi. Izumi. Izumi Amena! Found it!" She opened the little box to find her school shoes still neatly stored in the compartment. "I guess she wasn't here today..." Ruri mumbled out.

A shrill ringing fills the building signaling class would soon start again. Ruri sighed and slowly dragged herself back to class. She was sad that she wasn't able to see her friend today, but there was always tomorrow!

The next day came and it consisted of the very same thing. Amena wasn't there. Ruri decided to stay in her classroom this time and read. Maybe she could lose herself in a nice story.

The third day came and Ruri started to get concerned. She had hoped her friend hadn't gotten sick. When the bell rang signifying break time, Ruri took off to the shoe lockers again only to find that Amena wasn't there again.

Ruri almost burst into tears. She missed her friend and wished she would just come back already. Maybe Amena had left her just like Izuku had.

That singular thought consumed her mind. Chills ran all over her body and she felt lightheaded.

She didn't want to be alone anymore... That's why they became friends in the first place so neither of them would be alone.

She held out hope that she was just very sick. She didn't want her to be sick, but it was the alternative of Amena leaving her. She started to feel ill, so she set her head on the cool desk hoping sleep would consume her and the heavy feeling in her stomach and chest would go away.

The end of the week was finally there and Amena hadn't been to school the entire time.

"Alrighty before we begin class, as I'm sure most of you have noticed, Amena Izumi has been absent all week." The teacher said.

Ruri rolled her eyes, it's all she thought about. When would be the next time she'd see Amena, she hoped she was alright, and she missed her quiet company and soothing presence.

Ruri stared at Amena's empty desk, whilst she waited for the teacher to say why she had been gone for so long. "Amena Izumi has transferred out of this school. She will not be returning."

Ruri's small smile fell right off her face. She stopped breathing and she swore her heart stopped beating at that moment as well. Her thoughts raced but the only things that she could feel in those fleeting moments were the crushing weight that she was alone again.

Amena left? She left her?

Ruri refused to believe it all week but now that the teacher had confirmed it, she felt nothing and everything at the same time.

She was hurt. She was sad, and now she was alone. Completely and utterly alone. She had been alone all week but she still had hope, but now that she had been stripped of the only guard she had. She was defenseless against the ruthless attacks to her heart.

She stood from her seat and ran. Her teacher called for her and chased for a short amount of time, but eventually stopped.

She didn't know how to deal with all the emotions swarming her tiny body, so she just ran. And for a while it was almost peaceful, nothing could catch her.

She ran as fast as her legs would carry her until she ended up in the field Amena showed her a week earlier.

And then she fell. She stopped running and just simply watched as the world around her kept moving. Why was that? Why would the world keep moving as if nothing significant happened?

She curled into a ball as tears started to wet her face. All the emotions she had been running from caught up to her. Fear. Sadness. Anger. Exhaustion.

She was afraid to be alone again. She was afraid to open up to someone again for them to leave her. She was sad her closest friend was gone, sad she wouldn't have anyone to play with during recess or talk to about random things.

She was angry her friend disappeared without a trace and didn't even say goodbye. And she was exhausted from running. Exhausted because her heart hurt and her head pounded.

So she slept in the field of flowers. She simply closed her eyes and sealed her mind from the outside world, and drifted into nothingness.


When she awoke, it was dark. She was dazed and confused as to where she was. The field held itself differently in the evening.

It didn't hold the same cheer it had in the daylight. It was cold and uninviting. It held a sense of continual unease and also made any who found themselves in it small and stranded. She blamed Amena, if she were here it wouldn't feel so scary.

When Amena was with her, Ruri's troubles didn't exist. Izuku wasn't quirkless and he didn't hate her.

She didn't hate herself for having a quirk.

A chilly breeze swept across her body causing her to shiver. The trees blew in different directions casting massive dark shadows in the grass. Ruri was scared and she didn't know what to do, or what direction the school was in.

Tears sprang to her eyes and she ran in the direction she hoped was the right way. The shadows gladly consumed her tiny body. The trees easily blocked the moonlight, and it became incredibly dark.

She ran and ran until she finally made it back to the playground. She sat herself on the swings. This was one of the last places she saw Amena. She thought back to that day, and wondered what Amena wanted to do that day.

Maybe if Ruri wasn't sad they could have done it. But it was too late because she was gone now.

"Ruri!?" She looked up at the sound of her name being called out. "Ruri? Oh my goodness! Where have you been?!" Her mom ran up to her enveloping her in a hug.

"We've been searching everywhere for you!" Tears fell from her mom's eyes and she hugged the little girl tighter. "Don't ever disappear like that again! You had me worried to death!"

Ruri bursts into tears and starts sobbing into her mom's sweater. "I'm sor-sorry Mom." She runs a hand through her daughter's hair in an attempt to soothe her crying.

The crying stopped and Inko felt the girl slump into her arms and off of the swing. She figured the poor girl must have been exhausted from crying.

After scooping the sleeping girl into her arms she pulled out her phone to alert the authorities she had found her child and slowly walked back to their home.

"I'll always make sure you're safe baby." She cood gently whilst wiping a tear from her cheek.

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