Disney Story Entry: Short Story- The Princess Regnant

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The mind is a powerful tool, in likings with the capability to overcome obstacles. Obstacles that are impossible to avert, like gender for instance. Being born into the world as a female, with the familiarity of you, being your royal last name.

Alala Blair Hamilton.

I was a sixth generation Hamilton, unfortunately a girl, which left me with the dire duty of finding a fellow whom would marry me and heir the kingdom.

Riddled with boredom, I fell into "boyish" hobbies. Fencing, archery, hunting, you know, civilization's tunnel vision on what classifies something as a boy job as opposed to a female's. My father supported my endeavors, whilst my mother encouraged me to try sewing.

I'm sure she's fairly glad I chose what I did. No one was prepared for the dilemma that would be presented with today.


My sword collided with that of Prince Gerald Remence, the sound explosive in comparison to the silent courtyard. I pushed off his blade, before twirling my own about in my hand. We had been fighting for nearly two hours, my legs ached as I took a step back, he was good.

Gerald was responsible for locking my parents up. He had attempted to seduce me, by giving me love potion that would make me weak to his advances, but I was no fool. Originally, he was chosen to court me, but I was wholeheartedly against it. For weeks we had been in disagreement. Upon me finally agreeing, he orchestrated a wedding. Hours after this, his men had invaded the kingdom, I had warned my own, when finding his plan in his notebook. He hoped to rule kingdom Ares as his own, but I would die before allowing such to happen.

Prince Gerald swung his sword wildly at me, I knocked it away before swiping at his opened abdomen. The tip of my blade sliced his white shirt, but failed to touch skin. I twirled around before swinging for his head, he ducked in a nick of time. He knocked my blade free with a quick hit onto my wrist. I pulled a small blade free from my boot, and circled him.

Lieutenant Hale rounded the corner, ten men behind him, each suited in armor that was decorated with blood. "Everything alright Madam Alala?"

I nodded, turning around. "The war?"

"It's handled, thanks to you, we wouldn't have been prepared for the attack."

I nodded. "A princess saving the kingdom, what are the chances?"

Gerald laughed across the courtyard. "You duty isn't over yet."

I glanced back at Lieutenant. "I got this."

Quickly I ran to my opponent, he dragged his sword across the air, missing me, as I slid into the grass, and knocked his feet from under him. His dome collided with the ground, and created an audible smack. His body jerked, and I quickly shoved the end of my blade into his chest. His green eyes wandered on my own, and I smiled. "Now I've saved the kingdom."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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