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TRIGGER WARNING: There will be physical abuse.

This tantalising emotion was gnawing at every inch of my body, every nerve screaming at me to go to him, to ignore his wish of doing it on his own, to risk exposing my secret relationship with him. Almost. With a violent effort I stayed put, my stupid overactive brain drawing up wild pictures that consisted of those parents, if you could call them that, beating his skin raw.
This would definitely ruin my moment of asking him to go on a date with me in my helicopter.
Looking back, we never really had those extra romantic, gentle moments with each other quite freely- the ones which consisted of sappy cheesy moments like in movies, where he said said something sweet, I said something sweet, and we both looked tenderly into each other's eyes and smiled gently.
Absolutely not.
Our romance consisted of us devouring each other after week of not being able to put our hands on the other much, mostly him. I had to be the one in control here, warning him not to go overboard and such. Having meetings and briefings was the worst. It was like not being able to have cake at your own birthday. Or something like that. That analogy was completely Eren's.
Not to say we didn't have our small moments. I guess those could be described as forehead kisses in between file submissions, or the occasional joke cracking where he laughed continuously like an idiot and I used my sarcastic wisdom while deadpanning.
However, I had come dangerously close to saying something weird while we were roaming around the hall talking. I had to hold caution over myself.
"Levi!" An annoying high-pitched voice belonging my four-eyed friend made me turn around. I started to sigh as I asked "What is it, shit-glasses?" but stopped upon seeing her face. One tight with tension.
"Levi." She breathed. "Kenny's here."

"Every. Single. Day." I received another slap, with an additional smack on my shoulder by mother. Tears rolled down her face, her eyes blistering red. Dad wasn't looking any better, though the colour was more prominent on his cheeks.
"We taught you, trusted you...Hell, we actually thought you'd always fulfill our wishes, your dear old parents..."
I took in a deep breath, squinting my eyes though my vision was tunneling like crazy. I had to endure this, but if they said a word against Levi I'd get out in an instant and not talk to them again.
He squeezed my cheeks and brought his face closer to mine. "You fucking swine, what did we ever do to you? Our son would never become a retard like those disgusting gays and lesbians..."
I could only see red now through my haze of anger.
"Say something, boy!!!" Dad roared and slammed me into the wall, his nails digging painfully into my neck. I struggled to breathe, tears springing to my eyes as he repeatedly slapped me with one hand.
The sound of a phone ringing was the only thing which loosened his grip and I pulled his hands away, collapsing to the floor while coughing my lungs out. My cheeks were probably stained with tears now.
"I'll get it, Grisha." Before dad could protest, mom had swiped the phone from his pocket. She stared at the screen. "It's your friend."
"Wait, don't pick that up-!" He started to shout but it was too late. We watched as mom's finger swiped the phone and put the call on speaker.
She gestured for dad to talk, who had become white as a sheet.
"Uh, hello?" He called out.
"Hey sweetheart!" A woman's chirpy voice filled the spare room we were hiding in presently. Mom frowned the slightest and showed us the screen, which read Danny.
"Just wanted to let you know how excited I am for our date! Can't wait to meet you in the sheets tomorrow night, baby~"

Time froze for five seconds.
The next thing I knew, mom was dragging dad's hand out of the room, leaving me against the wall, gasping my breath and feeling something break inside me.
No way dad was cheating on mom.
"Shit, shit, shit..." I staggered to my feet and winced at the pain in my ankle. Maybe a sprain? I couldn't care less. Pain racked my whole body as I smoothed my clothes as best as I could and stumbled out of the room and navigated the hallways back to the party hall.
Levi, Levi, Levi....
My eyes hurriedly scanned the crowds, hoping he hadn't run off somewhere. To my relief I spotted him exactly where I'd left him, near the Mexican food counter.
He was standing straight as a rod, hands clenched into tight fists. I went closer and he gave me a quick glance because turning his attention back to whoever he was staring at- and then I saw it. His gorgeous grey eyes tinted with fear.
True fear, I realized with a jolt.
I slowly turned to my left and was a tall man, maybe in his fifties, grinning broadly at a muscular woman with short blonde hair. He was within earshot and just about to see us.
"Is that who you're looking at?" I gestured to the man, but Levi hissed and smacked my hand away.
"Eren, you don't look okay." He whispered shakily. I smiled. "That's secondary. You are genuinely not okay."
"That's-" His breath hitched in his throat as the man finally saw us.
He strode over, each step of his making Levi stiffer. My heart thudded loudly as pangs of anticipation swept over me.
"Yo, Levi." The man grinned. "Glad you're following my orders just like I said."

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