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"Friends Forever"

Bill🍋-She hit me with an umbrella like I don't know where she live🙄

Tyler🌻-She WACKED yo ass😂

Yana😘-good luck trying to find her she did the dash out that mf

Jah🖤-Aya at my house.. she tryna fuck but we just did 8 rounds G😭

Mir👀-8? Dayummm I see you my boi

Tay🚓-GODAMN 8!?!

Jah🖤-yes G 8😔

Tyler🌻-we been looking for her for about 4 hours now and y'all ova there fucking? Wowwww

Yana😘-we shall come save you King Jahseh

Lathan🥶-8? It's only been 4 hours and yall fucked 8 times?


Jordan😳- I lIkE eM NaStY ReAl NaStY😳

Aya😍- y'all tryna fuck together?

Lathan🥶-nigga wut?

Symere🤡-oh you trippin fr

Stoke👻-what is wrong with you? This shit ain't normal

Yana😘-AT ALL

Courage😐- I mean I'm down👀

Michael🤩-gazzy has been gone for months maybe even days and now this courage the dog look mf wanna pull back up and try to fuck? THE AUDACITY 🥺

Jahmir🥵-go 👏🏾off👏🏾 then 👏🏾sis👏🏾

Jordan😳-Michael said he done with the foolishness gazzy😳

Symere🤡-GET EM

Courage😐-I been learning how to spell stfu🙄

Melly🔫- no you big toe lookin mf Michael speak once again

Michael🤩-you still can't spell so that was a waste of time

Courage😐- put that on yo mama I can't

Coolie🖇-omm you cant now spell DECIDED


Weef✈️-dumb bitch😒

Stoke👻- Gir- okay😐

Aya😍-he spelled it for you and you still spelled it wrong? Oh gorl

Jah🖤-can we.. idk.. REMOVE that dumb nigga?

Bill🍋-please remove him

Tyler🌻-he may be dumb but he is still our friend🥺

Mir👀-*your* I ain't Neva seen this nigga in my life


Mir👀-don't make me call 12🤨

Tay🚓-I'm sorry🥺

Lathan🥶-wassup with this fucking emoji 🥺?

Jah🖤-RIGHT niggas use it one time and think they can use it for every sentence🙄

Aya😍-Jahseh shucho bold ass up b4 I come sit on yo face G 💯

Jah🖤-I'm leaving

Yana😘-no need we are here


Tyler🌻-I'm finna go expose yall😘

Melly🔫-imma head out

Lathan🥶-my cat dying I gotta go😭

Tay🚓-but you don't have a cat-

Lathan🥶-SHUT UP! Bitch ass😒

Tay🚓-I'm sorry imma help Lathan find his cat

Lathan🥶-it's dead so you can't find it idiot🙄

Stoke👻-me and Taymar are gonna HELP plan the funeral😔

Jah🖤-and I'm gonna help😔


Aya😍-when did mosses get a cat?

Yana😘-he don't got a cat aya🤦🏾‍♀️

Bill🍋-he don't?


Aya😍-so where tf is they going

Yana😘-like I would know😭

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