Don't loose her too.

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Draco was sitting on the slytherin table, staring at something particular.

"Hey, you alright there mate?" Blaise asked as Draco looked at him "Yeah, sure" Draco said as he continued eating breakfast. "Alright then" Blaise said before returning to his conversation with Pansy. Before standing up and going to his first class, Draco took one last glance at the gryffindor table and left. Blaise of course noticed Draco's strange behaviour and took a quick look at the direction Draco was staring at.

Draco was staring at the one and only, Hermione Granger. Hermione was having a conversation with Ron Weasley. She was laughing and she looked like she was having fun. Blaise gave them a slightly confused look and thought for a second before catching up with his bestfriend and heading to class.

In class...

"Today we will be learning about Amortentia. Can anyone tell me what it does?" Professor Slughorn asked. Hermione raised her hands, as usual "Yes Ms. Granger?" Hermione went in front of the potion and explained what it was "Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them. " Draco raised an eyebrow, amazed by how intelligent the girl was.

"Excellent Ms. Granger" Professor Slughorn said and looked at Draco "Mr. Malfoy, would you like to try it?" Draco was hesitant at first but then decided to step forward and do as the professor said "I can smell... cinnamon, very nice perfume and... books?" Draco said, not knowing who he actually smelled "I see" Professor Slughorn said with a smirk "Very well then, that shall end the class." Hermione raised an eyebrow at Draco and gave a small smile and quickly stopped smiling as she realized that she was just smiling at the ferret she hated.

After a few classes, it was now lunch. And once again, Draco was staring at the gryffindor table. Well specifically, at his long time enemy. For some reason, he didn't like seeing Hermione and Ron having a good time. "Draco" someone called. The blonde boy quickly turned around "Professor Snape, may i help you?" Draco asked and Snape raised an eyebrow. "Follow me" Snape said as Draco followed him to the library where there was no one there

"Yes Professor? Why did you bring me here?" Draco asked as Snape just looked at him "Draco, i saw what happened there" Snape said as Draco looked confused "I'm sorry Professor but what are you talking about?" Draco asked and Snape gave him a weak smile "When you were staring at her." Snape said and Dracos eyes widened

"Professor i believe you've got it all wrong. I wasn't staring at anyon-" Draco said but stopped when Snape cut him off "Don't lie to me young boy, i could see the jealousy in your eyes" Snape said as Draco immediately denied it "I most definitely am not jealous of that Weasley and... Granger" Draco said a little hesitantly, unsure if he even agrees with his own words.

"Draco" Snape said and put a hand on Dracos shoulders.

"Don't lose your Lily too..." Snape said with a little bit of sadness in his voice

Draco looked at him and smiled slightly "I'll try" Draco said and sighed "Very well" Snape said and smiled. After a few seconds the door opened "Where is tha- oh" Hermione entered and suddenly froze as she saw the slytherin prince and Snape in front of her "Im sorry Professor, i left my book in here somewhere" Hermione said slightly embarrased "Its ok Ms. Granger" Snape said and winked at Draco before exiting the library.

"Where is that stupid book?!" Hermione mumbled looking for her book "Need help?" Draco asked "No i can find it on my own" Hermione said as she looked under the table and saw the brown book she was looking for "Ah, there it is" Hermione said. She looked at the boy in front of her "Uh hey the scent you smelled a while ago in Professor Slughorns class... Who was it?" Hermione asked, curiously "Well that's the thing, I'm not really sure" Draco said which made Hermione a little happy

"Oh that's good." Hermione said and immediately regretted it "What?" Draco asked confused "I said that's uhm good-since uh- since its-its- its a mystery! Yeah a mystery, mysteries are always fun" Hermione said followed by a nervous chuckle. Draco finds it adorable when Hermione is trying to lie "Well what did you smell?" Draco said, a little scared "Uhm. Spearmint toothpaste, expensive cologne and apples" She said which made Draco smile

"May i ask who that is?" Draco said and Hermione smirked. Draco was amazed on how feisty her smirk looked like "You tell me, who do you think smells like expensive cologne, apples..." She trailed off and moved closer to Draco. It was at the point where she could feel Dracos breath on her face "and spearmint toothpaste" She said to finish  her last sentence as she pressed her lips on his.

It lasted a few seconds until they needed to pull away for oxegyn "Hermione... I just wanted to tell you that i think i have feelings for you. I understand if you don't feel the same and-" Hermione cut him off "I feel the same way, don't worry" she said and they pressed their heads together

"Hermione?" Draco looked at her

"Yes?" Hermione asked

"Will you be mine?" Draco asked with a mix of nervousness and excitement in his voice

Hermione giggled "Of course i will" she said and smiled before placing her lips on his

"ALBUS OWE'S ME 50 GALLEONS WOOHOOO" Snape said jumping around but quickly stopped as the two teens looked at him "Oh, sorry" Snape said embarrased as the two laughed at him.

'Thank you for helping me' Draco mouthed

'Always' Snape mouthed and smiled as he started to count how much money he would get from all of the bets they had. "I'm gonna be bloody rich" Snape said as he left which surprised the teens but they just laughed it off.

"I love you, Mione"

"I love you too Draco"


This once again, took forever.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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