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Aries loves to be number one, so it's no surprise that these fearless rams are the first sign of the zodiac. Bold and ambitious, Aries dives headfirst into even the most challenging situations (which is appropriate, since the body part associated with Aries is the head). Like their fellow fire signs, Leo and Sagittarius, Aries is a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. They prefer things to be done quickly.

This sign is ruled by Mars, the dynamic red planet named after the Roman god of war. Accordingly, Aries is always armed and ready for battle. Aries is known for an explosive temper, and although their outbursts don't last long, it's definitely best to avoid fiery rams until the steam has dissipated. They're upbeat, positive, and playful creatures who enjoy living life to its fullest.

You can always be sure to spot an Aries excelling on the sports field, speeding down the highway, or organizing a vibrant party game.

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