Why I Haven't Posted

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Hello, dear readers. Or maybe just my one faithful reader (Hi, Jaylynn.) 

If you've been following Beth for awhile, you probably know my uploading isn't always the fastest. It's something I've tried to work on, but lately writing this book just hasn't been the same. And the main reason for that is this is no longer an original work.

Yes, I came up with this plot all on my own. Yes, I've been critiquing and editing and perfecting this book for years. But it shares a very  similar plot with the show You. I have never  copied anyone else's work. This is my original idea. And no, I'm not saying my ideas were stolen by the creators of You. However, the similarities are so striking. Even in parts that haven't been written yet but I've planned in my head. 

I know that if I were to finish this book, I would have comments and messages telling me that if I lack the creativity it takes to craft a story on my own, I shouldn't even try. This is really fucking saddening as Beth is my pride and joy. I've always loved writing, and in my opinion, Beth is the best book I've ever made. But I'm just not sure if it's worth it anymore seeing as it's already been done before.

But this isn't a goodbye. At least not forever. I might make a new book. Or maybe I'll pull up my big girl pants and finish Beth even though I know of the consequences. Either way, this isn't the last you'll hear from me. 

Love, Maddy.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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