Chapter 4

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'"Hey, it's okay!" I say, ruffling his hair again. He just pushed my arm playfully but stops when I halt, the blood draining from my face.

Walking our way was the man who made my life a living hell.

My father.'

 Finn noticed my pale face and quivering figure and asked what was wrong. "H-hey, Owen, are you okay?" he whispered, tugging on my sleeve. I visibly gulped and nodded slowly.

  "Yeah, everything's fine..." I mumble, gripping Finn's hand tightly and staring straight at the man walking towards us. He was broad and muscular, everything outlined by a crimson overcoat. His thick black hair reached down to his shoulders and he pulled it into a tight ponytail. He wore glasses that reflected just how cold his eyes could become.

  I glared at him and he just smirked back. I thought he had gone to prison! After the incident... he was supposed to be in jail! Why..why is he out already?

  "Heya little whore!" he cheerfully said, attempting to pat my arm. I flinched and snatched my arm away from him, almost knocking Finn over in the process.

  "Don't. Ever. Touch. Me. Again," I hissed bitterly, glaring daggers at him. My father put his hands up defensively. I saw Finn's eyes flicker to me and him, then back to me. I could see the knowing look in his eye. He knew my father was troubling me.

  "Well, hello sir. This is my boyfriend and we're going to go now, so could you please leave?" Finn perked up, standing in front of me and puffing out his chest to the best of his ability. The look on my father's face was enough to tell me that Finn should NOT have said that.

  "ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW?! YOU LITTLE SLUT, I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" he screamed at me, walking towards Finn and I. Picking up his pace, my father full-on sprinted. Taking this opportunity, I grabbed Finn's hand and bolted down the sidewalk. There was one thing I was good at; running.

  From all the times I had to escape my father's beatings, I think I've grown pretty good at avoiding his touch...

  Let me explain. When I was born, my parents secretly hated me at first. I was supposed to be the twin of my sister Anya, but she died in the womb and they were stuck with me. My parents really wanted a girl, and I was what they got. After a while, my mom accepted the fact that Anya was dead and that she had me to love, and she opened up. We were very close since we were in such dark times...

  My father started the abuse when I was around six or seven. I wanted answers as to why there was another name in the family album that had only one picture of an ultrasound. My mother broke down in tears and explained everything. 

  "It's the only one we had a sister, Owen. Her name was Anya and you two were supposed to be twins. Then s-she--" my mother suddenly snatched me away from the fist that went flying towards me.

  "What the hell are you doing telling him that shit?! He already knows he's a useless piece of shit, don't remind me of the child that you were too weak to hold, bitch," My father ordered, raising his fist to my mother. 

  "HEY STOP THAT DADDY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MOMMY?!" I remember screaming, standing in front of mom, holding my arms out as if I could shield her. She just sobbed and put her head in her hands...He just glared at me and shoved me into a wall, punching me several times.

  My mother screamed at him, clawing at his arms and begging him to stop. He just pushed her off and she fell to the floor, out cold. That's when the daily abuse began...

My mom and I were so close. After receiving the punches and kicks and empty beer bottles, we learned to stick together. When I got a bit older, she thought it'd be a good time to tell me about Anya. To say I was shocked was an understatement, I finally knew why my father hated me so.

 Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he found out I was gay. When I was in my room, I was writing in that diary about Hayden(who would have guessed) and unfortunately what I was entertaining the pages with were some...not so clean thoughts and my dad found them. He called me a little prick and told me I was a fag...then I got the worst beating of my life...

 One day he screamed so loud the neighbors heard and they called the police. Mom and I were so thankful that we cried. The police immediately knew what was going on and they arrested him. We did visit my father in prison once or twice, but he just spat vile words at us, so we decided it was best if we just forgot about him.


Finn and I were running at top speed from my father and we heard him shout at us. I think we ran for a few minutes before we stumbled upon a McDonald's. I knew that he couldn't get us in there so I dragged Finn over and opened the door viciously, not caring about the stares I was getting from the people already in the restaurant.

  As if today couldn't get any fucking worse, Hayden was seated in the booth, scrolling on his phone.  He looked up when he heard all the noise and I swear my heart just about exploded. 

  His mocha eyes stared straight into mine and I was mesmerized. I was only broken out of my trance when my dad started banging on the restaurant door and Finn whimpered. I didn't care anymore. Dad was about to push it open and I made a stupid decision.

  I ran over to the table that Hayden was seated at and climbed over him so suddenly he almost spilled his fries. I helped Finn over him as well and we both started crying. 

   Finn hiccuped, wiping his snot on my flannel. I whimpered and sunk into the seat, pressing against Hayden. I felt him stiffen and I looked into his eyes...his beautiful brown eyes. We stared at each other for a bit before he raised his hand in the air, and I swear I drew back 5 feet.

  I pushed against Finn and I cried silently. "P-p-please I-I-'m sor-sorry!" I choked out holding my hands in front of my face. He looked at me with a confused look.

"..Can I get some extra fries?" Hayden said, still holding his hand in the air.

 Oh. He wasn't going to hit me. It was a fucking McDonalds.

A:N WOOO SUP YALL ITS ME! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter, cause I enjoyed writing it! Don't forget to vote, comment and share...It helps alot!! Love y'all 😘 Bye now.

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