Blood Stained Snowflakes

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I finger the warm metal chain around my neck as I look out across the bare park.

Lone swings swing in the breeze while producing a metal creaking.

The cool night air brushes lightly across my bare skin.

The full moons light shines a path out of the lonely place. I ran my fingers through my hair roughly as I clenched and unclenched my fists, tangled in my hair.

The metal of the playground blurred as tears rushed to my eyes.

A humorless chuckle escaped my mouth.

" Bet you're sooo proud of your daughter now, aren't you!?" I hiccup on my screams at the end. My body quivers from the bottled up emotion and the cold night air.

"I was always a Disappointment, so now I am just an even bigger mistake you made in your life!"

My helpless cries echo around the rusty park. The swings stop swinging and droop, as if noticing my sadness.

" I only just realized what you think of me." i whispered to myself.

"I only just realized that I was a bump in your perfectly paved road." My soft tone caries around the park.

I release my hair and jump down from my perch on the side of the bridge. I walk numbly across the park as I pushed my earbuds in and clicked play.

The A team by Ed Sheeran started playing as the soft breeze gently pushed the hair away from my streaked face and numb eyes.

Soft, white flakes clung to my hair and my feet ached from the hard soles of my winter boots.

A few tears streaked my face as the song intensified.

I looked both ways down a street as I prepared to cross. I shoved my hands into my pockets and tucked my chin into my jacket.

The flakes melted into the black abyss of the street and I lifted my head up to look at the clear sky.

A tiny light streaked across the sky.

' If only I could get a wish granted.' I thought to myself. 'Might as well.'

" I wish I had a place in this world." I whispered to the tiny light. I turned my attention back to the sidewalk as the sounds of a car coming down the street sounded and headlights blinded my splotchy eyes.

" Need a ride little lady?" An older gentleman that looked to be in his 60's shouted through the window of his Chevy. I shook my head, looking down as my hair followed suit, shielding my face from watchful eyes. I saw him shrug out of the corner of my eye and drove off.

I continued my journey down the street and took a left at a corner of two streets. Snow fell in sheets, streaking my vision.

I turned right and walked up the path to our little one story home on the outskirts of town.

Light poured onto the twinkling snow from the living room window.

I sighed and wiped my face with the back of my sleeve and walked up the steps leading to the front door.

I creaked in open and stomped my boots on the rug.

Mum came rushing over to me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're ok!" She whispered. I mentally scoffed at this.

My mom has severe mood swings and forgets things all the time.

"Ok." I mumbled and shrugged off her embrace. She scowled at my retreating back.

"Just because you had a bad day doesn't mean you have to take it out on me!" She shrieked out just before I closed my door. I gently clicked it shut and sighed to myself walking over to my bed.

I fumbled under my bed and found it in the far corner. I collapsed back onto my bed and stared at the photo.

Our faced were frozen in our goofy smiles and shining eyes. My mum held my left arm, with my dad holding my right. My brother had me perched on his shoulders as he laughed at my shocked face.

I sobbed quietly to myself. This was taken before my brother died and my dad was taken.

Before my mum went crazy.

I rolled onto my side and tucked the photo back into its place.

My iPod vibrated on my nightstand. I groaned and rolled over. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the light.

From: Leeah

Have you seen the news?!




Turn it on!

I grabbed the small black piece of plastic and flicked the small tv on.

"-Man was found alive at the side of the road. He is believed to be stable and police are looking for any relatives living in the area. His name will not be released. Back to you John.-"

My vision blurred as I thought about what this meant. He couldn't be.....

Could he

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