flashbacks of the demon eyes

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I sat curled up on my bed for a good amount of time just staring blankly at the wall, trying to keep my emotions in check and trying hard not to scream. He knew. He knew. He knew.

That single thought bounced around my head like a flack'n bunny on crack that just had nutella. I finally managed to calm my frantice mind after a good 30 minutes of

' Calm the Flack down desiree!' only to get assaulted by a flashback.

" Get the man and kill the boy!" I shoved my quivering form further into the wall, trying to sink into oblivian. I buried my head in my knees and coated my kneecaps in my salty tears. A pained screech escaped me as someone roughly pulled on my hair and brought me up to eye level with the most horrid yellow eyes i have ever seen. He blurred in and out of focus as nasuea took hold of me from his firm grip on my hair. "Where is your brother and dad!?" he roared in my face. I tucked myself into a ball as best i could hanging in the air. "I don't know!" I wailed as i hugged myself tighter. The man slammed me into a wall and then dropped me hard on the ground. I rolled over in agony and groaned in pain. He kicked me in the ribs a couple times, and i lost count of how many punches being thrown because of the magical black dots dancing around in my line of vision. I giggled just before the darkness swept me under. That was the last day i saw my brother and dad.

my body shook violently as my eyes cleared of their haze. My tears streamed endlessly down my cheeks before the dam that had held them back for so long dried up.

I felt numb.

I no longer felt anything. No sadness, anger, or happiness.

those demon eyes burned in the forefront of my head, searing its memory forever. Those yellow hazed eyes with those slits of pupils.

I got off my bed and walked into my bathroom. I stripped and stepped into the shower.

The hot water seared my skin but i couldnt find it in myself to turn it down. I sat at the bottom of the shower with my knees to my chest and my head resting on my knee. water droppletts fell from the tip of my nose as I sighed.

I sat in the shower for at least 30 minutes, just sitting. As i tried to get up and get dried off a sharp scream from down stairs had me on edge. Another bloodcurling scream had me up and scrambling to get dressed. I frantically threw on my jeans and threw constant glances at the closed door. I finally threw on my shirt and slammed the cupboard door open and snatched my 9 mil out of its hiding spot.

I quietly opened my door and kept close to the walls.

"NO! Please!!" A deranged voice pleaded with someone in the living room by the sounds of it.

" Shut. Up." I heard a masculine voice growl. A smacking sound echoed erriely through out the dormant house.

I quietly snuck down the stairs and peeked into the living room. A man dressed in all black with fluffy brown hair and blue eyes stood above my mom with a gun trained at her. She lay on the ground curled up in a fetal postion with her hands above her head. Her crazed eyes met mine. Her usual violet eyes had turned a dark shade of green that looked hysterical. I knew she would rat me out, I was a disappointment anyways.

"DESIREE!!" she shreiked as she pointed in my direction. That little WHORE!

I bolted to the front door and swung the door open. I was knocked off my feet by a giant tan wolf growling in my face. I growled back and grabbed his muzzle with both hands, clamping it shut. He growled at me, though muffled, i could still hear the unsaid warning. But i didnt let go. he managed to free his muzzle and he opted for my jugular. I rolled to the side and leapt on top of him.

He started thrashing and slammed me into a wall. I stood back up on shaking legs. I glared at the wolf and fury built within me.

Staring back at me were those deathly yellow orbs.

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